WINNER Camera Setting Challenge #33

October 4th, 2013
CONGRATULATION @northy for winning the latest camera setting challenge with this great shot:

Over to you for hosting or selecting someone to host the next challenge.

Thanks again to everyone that joined in with #33 and I hope it was of help to you.
October 4th, 2013
Oh wow! Tx!!! Do you know if there is a current list if folks willing to host?
October 4th, 2013
Congratulations Northy! Amazing low-key. Light is just right. @northy
October 4th, 2013
Congrats. Great shot!
October 4th, 2013
@northy congratulations. very well deserved.
October 8th, 2013
@northy I tried to make a current list but didnt' get very many people to respond. I think you could just go to some of the people you are connected to and just say PLEASE Host. Also since this is a Camera Settings challenge i am guessing there are a LOT of people out there who ONLY use auto and have never used the Aperture Priority, Shutter Speed, or anything. You could always post a challenge especially for those who want to learn manual but never used it before. What I'm suggesting is something back to the basics. But of course anything you or someone else chooses will be wonderful.

BTW - Congratulations on that awesome photo - your photography rocks!
October 8th, 2013
Well deserved!Gorgeous image!
October 8th, 2013
Beautiful image @northy! Congrats:)
October 9th, 2013
@myhrhelper yeah... i've been wondering if getting back to basics would be a good idea... sorry i'm taking so long about getting someone to host the next go around... i've been swamped on so many levels :( i'll try and get the word out tonight or tomorrow night about hosting...
October 9th, 2013
@northy No worries
October 9th, 2013
@northy I'm not telling you what to do but if we do something like that we could announce on a general discussion if there is anyone who needs the basics of the camera settings this challenge is for them.
October 10th, 2013
@myhrhelper ok - i'm going to check around with a few folks, and if i can't twist any arms, i'll host a back to basics challenge on dof or basic shutter speed or something...
October 10th, 2013
@myhrhelper @northy Is there a list of all the camera setting challenges (33 of them)?
October 10th, 2013
They are all listed here except for the last two that I need to add.
October 10th, 2013
Does that mean you are doing the next challenge Mike??? Yeah!!!
October 11th, 2013
@myhrhelper @mikegifford yay indeed! tx Mike - it would be wonderful if you would take this on...
October 11th, 2013
@myhrhelper I'll take a look at the list and the last two.

@northy Once I take a look at the previous challenges I'll see what's possible. Maybe a combination of two if needed.
October 11th, 2013
@mikegifford sounds good! one thing to bear in mind is that there are all sorts on the site who joined well after the first few challenges - so likely no harm in repeating something...
October 11th, 2013
@mikegifford @northy Woo Hoo!! So glad you will do this Mike!! Yes as Northy said there are many people who didn't do the beginning challenges and there is no harm in repeating anything. There may be a lot of beginners who never used anything but auto mode OR you may have some cool ideas - if it involves learning how to use different camera settings regardless if it is advanced or for a beginner it is ALL GOOD!
October 12th, 2013
@myhrhelper @northy Okay, how about "Shooting in dim light to enhance Halloween pictures"? Basically "High ISO Shooting"....comments? If okay, I'll get it started but most likely on Sunday the 13th. Let me know...
October 12th, 2013
@myhrhelper @mikegifford i take it you mean sorta fast speed (or at least, not long exposure) in low light? to catch kids and jack-o-lanterns and such without a flash and with limited motion blur? this is something i really need to work on - sounds good to me... Kathy?
October 12th, 2013
@northy @mikegifford Great, great idea. Dim lighting is something we all have times we need to shoot in dim lighting so I think that is a great challenge and I can use more practice too,
October 12th, 2013
@myhrhelper @northy Okay, I'll get something posted and it will go live by Sunday eve Pacific and will be open for submissions for 10 days. Sound good?
October 12th, 2013
@mikegifford @myhrhelper sounds great to me!
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