EOTB24 Challenge starts today

January 2nd, 2014
First of all Happy New Year and a big thank you for all the votes that took my photo to the winning post of the EOTB23 challenge and to Hope for hosting it. I now have the pleasure of hosting the 24th EOTB challenge and the first one of 2014

In the words of the challenge's founder, Jeff Walker, this is how it works:

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

For those of you that don't want to commit to a specific set of words for a month, are intimidated by the thought of being pushed by another 365'er, don't want to be constrained to a specific mundane object, aren't feeling the week's theme, feel you don't have the creativity, time or tools for album and wwyd challenges but still want to face down and conquer a challenge, I have just the challenge for YOU!

(Also, if you enjoy facing all the above challenges and can't get enough of challenges and want to add another challenge to your arsenal, this is for YOU as well!)

Here's the lowdown (and its fairly simple):

Your challenge is to find something most people would not consider to be beautiful, and find a way to capture it that IS beautiful, You can achieve it any way you desire. This challenge will help you with your composition and lighting skills. The way you compose the shot or the way you use light will usually be the way you bring out the beauty. It will also help you look at your surroundings differently. Everything is potentially a beautiful photograph. Its not a matter of finding something to photograph, its a matter of finding a way to photograph something that makes photographing it worthwhile.

There is not specific item you have to photograph for this challenge. And the only rule is that the subject you photograph has to be something that, if people were watching you photograph it, would be wondering what has possessed you to photograph something so plain, bland, boring, ugly etc. Beauty is where you find it, and it is all around you. Train your eye to see things differently.

Challenge time frame:

Challenge starts tomorrow Friday 3rd January & ends Sunday12th January at midnight (GMT)
The 5 finalists will be announced on Monday 13th January
Voting will be from Monday 13th January until Friday 17th Janaury 9pm (GMT) and the winner will be announced shortly there after

Tag your entries EOTB24. Multiple entries are accepted but remember all images must be taken and submitted within the specified time frame.

You are also welcome to copy your entries to this thread, where I am sure they will be admired and will also inspire others.

I'm really looking forward to seeing your EOTB images. Enjoy the challenge!
January 2nd, 2014
I've always wanted to do one of these. I'm going to try harder this time. I'm snowed in, what else have I got to do! LOL!
January 2nd, 2014
Yeahhhhhhhhhhh my most favorite challenge of all! Thank you Jocasta!
January 2nd, 2014
Photographing something so plain, bland, boring, ugly etc. sound right up my street.
January 2nd, 2014
@homeschoolmom it is just getting started here,Lisa.How much snow do you have?
January 2nd, 2014
Love this challenge. Thank you.

@mzzhope Not snow here yet, but it's coming.
January 2nd, 2014
Sounds good, will have to have a think
January 3rd, 2014
I do hope this doesn't upset anyone.
January 3rd, 2014
it looks big..was it a crow,Keith? @kporte
January 3rd, 2014
Very long slender beak. Cormorant or the like perhaps? @mzzhope
January 3rd, 2014
on an indoor day today due to the lovely weather, so had a wander round the kitchen for inspiration.
January 3rd, 2014
I think i will give this one a shot :-)
January 3rd, 2014
just the inspiration I need I think
January 3rd, 2014
January 3rd, 2014
Forgot to say my photo is of our fireguard.
January 3rd, 2014
@mariadarby Hi - great abstract look. Can you add a tag to this photo - EOTB24, then it will appear with all the other EOTB24 photos. http://365project.org/tags/eotb24
January 3rd, 2014
Here's mine. I accidentally put it in the ETSOOI challenge, but it works for that, too! LOL!
It's broken bullet proof glass.
January 4th, 2014
January 4th, 2014
@jocasta how can i insert my photo into the thread?
January 4th, 2014
@kaseycarroll Hi. Select and copy the "copy and paste" code from the right hand side of your picture. It's at the bottom underneath the Twitter and Facebook share buttons. Then paste it into this space. Hope that helps.
January 4th, 2014
These are my fish pendants that I made out of polymer clay. I love them but some people think I'm weird for wearing a fish.
January 4th, 2014
I'm a newbie and liked the idea of this, so here's my first attempt - it's the panel of a gas heater

January 4th, 2014
...and now I've been and looked at the others and am feeling a tad outclassed! Still, it's a start ;)
January 4th, 2014
This looks like fun! Here's my attempt:
January 4th, 2014
Wrapper from a DVD case.
January 5th, 2014

Lock on a bridge
January 6th, 2014
Message in a bottle

January 6th, 2014
Light and reflections on a keyboard.
January 6th, 2014
January 6th, 2014
Garbage bags (EOTB24).
January 6th, 2014

Peel Monster EOTB24
January 6th, 2014
Plastic fork.
January 7th, 2014
Green bottle brush
January 8th, 2014
Sink Plughole Strainer - Great challenge, very inspiring!

January 9th, 2014
scrunchie my daughter put on a light pull
January 10th, 2014
I wasn't even thinking of this challenge when I shot this, but I think it fits!
January 11th, 2014
My 2nd entry for the EOTB24 challenge. I like this concept of taking pictures of things that would otherwise be considered gross... :)

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