Abstract April - its a wrap!!

April 29th, 2014
thank you to everyone who took part in the abstract April challenge! its been an amazing month of fantastic pictures!
i hope you all had fun creating your abstract photos, taking on the challenge of looking at things a little differently and making the viewer wonder what on earth they are looking at!!
bonus points go to those of you who managed a complete month of abstracts!

next time i am on my laptop i will try and look through as many of your photos as possible :)

it would be great to see your fav photo posted in this thread, either from your project or another, to highlight all the great pictures that have been taken. just click on the three dots under your chosen picture and copy the url, then paste it into a reply to this thread.

thanks once again for making abstract April so successful,i hope you enjoyed it!! :)

@daisymiller @kbird61 @lleo @macromover @joansmor @whatsfordessert
@jessieraynard @salemslot @paulty @spanner @lleo @wenbow @oopsadaisy @voiceprintz @mittens @bjdmum @nadaa @678tabby @neatz @darylo @grammyn @emblegemble @trevjk3 @shawnasays @kali66 @mzzhope @panthora @dibzgreasley @purplehaze12 @m9f9l @smithak
@salemslot @lambda @studiouno @mats365 @callymazoo @deburahiru @kathyboyles @vstap
April 29th, 2014
These are my favs from the month. I did the whole month.

April 29th, 2014
April 29th, 2014
Love all the abstracts! This is my favorite from my project:

And I think this is my favorite from everyone's - it's by @paulaw - although it is hard to choose!

April 29th, 2014
@polarvrtx Wow thank you Sara that's so kind of you.
April 29th, 2014
I think this is my favorite but it has really been a fun month and I have one more day after today to complete my month of abstracts although I didn't tag them for the challenge.
April 29th, 2014
I had trouble figuring what was an abstract so struggled with it but still had fun trying. I liked this one even though I'm not sure it is an abstract.
April 29th, 2014
April 29th, 2014
@emblegemble thank you very much for organising this and encouraging me to try things I haven't before.
April 29th, 2014
I thoroughly enjoyed it, there are so many ways to create an abstract. It was fun, thanks Emma
April 30th, 2014
This was SUCH a fun month,Emma!And a real learning experience.I experimented with different approaches:


3Light and Shadow

4.Blur and bokeh


April 30th, 2014
I will try to look more tomorrow but I want to ask if anything is going on for may like magical may. LOL I just didn't get a lot done for abstract but it was fun viewing others.
April 30th, 2014
thanks for organising a fun challenge. this was my fav from my attempts!

April 30th, 2014
I started the month with such good intentions... unfortunately, life got inthe way and tripped me up so I ended up with only a few abstracts (or anything else)! I had two favs... this one for the message of Autism Awareness:

and this one because it was my first attempt at ICM:

April 30th, 2014
@emblegemble Thanks for organizing this Emma.

April 30th, 2014
This is my favorite one of mine.

April 30th, 2014
April 30th, 2014
April 30th, 2014
April 30th, 2014
April 30th, 2014
April 30th, 2014
April 30th, 2014
April 30th, 2014
April 30th, 2014
it was fun Emma - I only managed about half a dozen but I enjoyed thinking about it and will keep up trying out the abstracts - have one last one for today actually
April 30th, 2014
Here is my fav of someone else's work. @swilde "Abstraction"
April 30th, 2014
April 30th, 2014
I love this abstract from @lleo

This is my favourite one out of my own project. I didn't get to participate as much as I intended, but the animal month theme drew me more with my new kitten. ;)

April 30th, 2014
This is my favorite from another: @wenbow
April 30th, 2014
I really had fun with my mini - abstract series, of which this was my favourite

From another 365er, this one by @newbank

April 30th, 2014
@emblegemble Thanks Emma, this has been fun and I really enjoyed seeing everyones' work here.
April 30th, 2014

This one has been my favourite. I needed colour and something to make me smile that morning and this just did it for me.
April 30th, 2014

My favourite from my own project.
April 30th, 2014
@newbank Thank you! So glad that one stuck in your mind from that day! Actually seeing your train, I liked that one too - hard to choose!
April 30th, 2014
@dibzgreasley It did, for the next few days waiting to see the rest of the series was what I looked forward to logging on.
April 30th, 2014
I didn't do one for every day, but I loved doing this challenge, it's amazing what ideas you get once you start. Thanks Emma!
April 30th, 2014
Thanks for all your replies and fantastic photos!
So glad you all enjoyed it :)

I quite liked this abstract from my project:
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