ETSOOI-40 challenge

August 9th, 2014
A huge thank you to everyone who voted for my picture in etsooi-39! So thrilled that other people like Lensbaby highly processed photos as much as I do.
And now it is time for round 40.

ETSOOI is an acronym that was started by MaryBeth @espyetta that means edit the $h!t/stuffing/sorriness out of it.. It is the war cry of those of us who are hopelessly PS addicted and here on 365 we like nothing more than to feed those addictions.

I see that sometimes a theme is set and sometimes there is no theme. I'm going with a theme. In My Kitchen.
So, your challenge is to ETSOOI in a way that creates an intriguing image. Tag your photos ETSOOI-40. Take and edit as many pictures as you want as long as they are within the challenge dates. Remember, the idea is to feed your PS(or Gimp or Picasa whatever) addictions. :-) Please post your pictures here in this thread as well if possible.

This challenge starts tomorrow (Sunday 10th Aug) and will run through to next Friday evening (15th August). I'll announce the finalists for voting on Saturday the 19th with voting taking place over 2 or 3 days...

You are free to enter as many shots as you like, the only rule being that your shot must have been taken within this time frame. The winner will receive the honour of hosting the next ETSOOI challenge.

REMEMBER - all pictures should be tagged ETSOOI-40 and feel free to post your shots on this thread as inspiration for others.

Good luck - hope you have fun.
August 9th, 2014
@jocasta! Congratulations on the win.that image was gorgeous! Love the new theme!
August 9th, 2014
In My Kitchen...interesting! I don't think people want to see pics of pile of dirty dishes, a refrigerator of old food, and dust bunnies hiding on the floor though...hee hee
August 12th, 2014
Will try to do something ...
August 12th, 2014
August 12th, 2014
@kathyboyles Great original photo.
August 12th, 2014
@jocasta thank you. your second post got me going. kathy
August 12th, 2014
First time trying this challenge, hope I got the idea right.
August 13th, 2014

August 13th, 2014
@spikez That's a very cool edit!
August 13th, 2014
@jocasta Not so much etsooi but in the kitchen for sure :)
August 14th, 2014
August 14th, 2014
August 14th, 2014
August 14th, 2014
First attempt, will try to get another before deadline...was going for that 60s B&W TV look :-)

August 14th, 2014
My small offering

August 15th, 2014
here ya go...

August 15th, 2014
August 15th, 2014
I was stirring up the photo effects in my kitchen today!

August 16th, 2014
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