April 1st, 2017
Here we are at the end of March!
At the beginning I posted a thread asking if anyone wanted to join me in a 31 Day Challenge for March - around a dozen responded - not all made it through but most did - and their images are amazing!
Thank you to all who started - it was great to have others along for the ride.

Here are the links to those who made it through the whole 31 days -

Me - a dwarf flowering gum in my garden

Sam - like me - chose a flowering gum - and what beautiful shots she shared

Debs chose her deck and showed real creativity in her diverse images

Kim also chose her deck - and like Debs her images were creative and diverse

Dinah chose her bird feeder - a great idea and some beautiful birds feature in her images

Jorlam chose a small Thai buddha statue - the photos are amazing - beautiful close-ups that teased us for a glimpse of the whole

Mel - creativity and humour as she shared a whole month of her kitchen sink

Kathryn chose her audio centre and shared a diverse range of images related to music and sound equipment

Lynn chose a tree and the beautiful changing sky images are gorgeous

Marilyn chose the silver maple tree in her yard - she has shared its beauty with us in her gorgeous images

Skips month is a pine tree in his back yard - I love his images of the pine tree in all its glory

Congratulations everyone - including those who didn't quite make it the whole 31 days - I have enjoyed looking at your images throughout March!

If you have made a collage of your month please share it here for us all to see!


April 1st, 2017
TA DONE! ( as a special friend of mine would say )

Thanks Everyone for joining in - watching your month unfold helped me make it through!

@gigiflower @catsmeowb @dibzgreasley @genealogygenie
@dsp2 @jackies365 @jorlam @cruiser @m2016 @houser934
@barneyone @lynnz @mittens @skipt07 @bizziebeeme
April 1st, 2017
My 31 days collage

April 1st, 2017
@annied Thank you for inviting us to this challenge! I tried several different techniques and learned from this experience. I also enjoyed seeing what everyone else was doing throughout the challenge!

This is my collage of the pics that I took for this challenge:
April 1st, 2017
@annied Annie, it was an amazing theme from which i gained a ton of experience in lighting and composition but mostly i learned to 'see' differently. Thank you for setting this up and for being so supportive/encouraging throughout the month
the variety of subject/object was quite wide-spread through the group and i loved looking through what others were doing..
i'm on the look-out for next year's object and a more suitable lens.. :-)

Here's a collage of my take on the theme..

April 1st, 2017
I've just checked out all of the theme that are tagged here. They are all wonderful and I wish that I had of seen the challenge at the beginning of the month. Maybe it's something that I will try during the year.

April 1st, 2017
Those were all wonderful!
April 1st, 2017
@jorlam I am so pleased you enjoyed it - your lighting and composition were an inspiration :)
April 1st, 2017
YAY! Oh what fun we had @annied!
April 1st, 2017
Wow what clever people you all are, Al those collages are fantastic
April 1st, 2017
Annie, thanks so much for this great round-up of what everyone did. Thank you for getting us all interested in the challenge and for the support along the way. I've enjoyed it and found it very creative.
Here's my collage (1 shot missing)

April 1st, 2017
@dibzgreasley looks great Debs!
April 1st, 2017
I've really enjoyed seeing all the calendar views. You are all so creative, and they look great.
April 1st, 2017
Thank you for the recognition, Annie. Here is the collage of my silver maple tree.
April 1st, 2017
@annied Thank you SO much for hosting this challenge. It truly was a challenge...and I learned a lot along the way. Here's my slightly unconventional collage:

April 1st, 2017
@annied - Thank you for hosting this Annie! It was a fun experience!

April 1st, 2017
Stunning photos. It's interesting seeing the diversity in photography when it was one thing that you were all photographing. Well done everyone.
April 1st, 2017
@annied Thanks for organizing this and offering encouragement along the way. I couldn't get my print screen to work (although it worked for my rainbow month) so I put the images into a collage.
April 2nd, 2017
Well done everyone. I really enjoyed watching the diverse photography
April 2nd, 2017
@skipt07 I am pleased you had fun - thank you for joining in
@genealogygenie thanks for joining in Kim!
April 2nd, 2017
Amazing dedication... All the collages are fantastic
April 2nd, 2017
I almost forgot to post mine in the thread (busy couple of days lol), but here it is, my month of kitchen sink shots! This challenge was lots of fun, thanks again @annied :)

@dsp2 @annied @jorlam @dibzgreasley @mittens @houser934 @skipt07 @genealogygenie - your collages are awesome!
April 2nd, 2017
@genealogygenie What did you use to build the collage?
April 2nd, 2017
@houser934 Picassa
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