Osprey by janetb


Thank you, Lord, for the osprey that sailed above our heads at Lake Wilhelm.

Our Sunday visit to Lake Wilhelm provided so many amazing sights. This osprey had a firm grip on its catch!
Wow that is stunning! Fav
March 29th, 2017  
Wow, excellent capture.
March 29th, 2017  
You certainly were in the right place at the right time!! So glad you had your camera handy. Lovely clear capture. Fav
March 29th, 2017  
Instant fav - Fabulous capture
March 29th, 2017  
Terrific capture - for both of you :) fav
March 29th, 2017  
My goodness, he goes for the big boys, doesn't he! What a great shot. Fav
March 30th, 2017  
Great capture
March 30th, 2017  
Oh, my! What a capture (pun and all!)
March 30th, 2017  
It is wonderful to see an Osprey in flight, but even more special to see one with this catch! Perfect timing!
March 30th, 2017  
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