Scrap by kannafoot


Great concepts do not always result in great photos. At least, not if the composition leaves much to be desired. The location in today's shot is India Point Park which, until the early '70s, was a scrap metal yard. Some of the scrap was left in the park as pieces of art, but also to serve as a reminder of the land's use for the better part of a century. I had hoped to capture the transformation from scrap yard to park in today's photo, but I must say that I was bitterly disappointed in the result once I got the photos downloaded to my PC tonight. I captured the scrap, but nothing else. Now, I haven't given up on the overall concept, but it's going to take a bit more location scouting to pull it off. For now, I'll have to be satisfied (for lack of a better word) with this shot of the scrap metal lying in the park.

Post processing started with a vibrant filter in Topaz Adjust. I then adjusted the levels a bit, applied the gradient map for the black and white conversion, and then topped it off with the sepia photo filter.
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