Beached by kannafoot


24 April 2014 -- 114/365
Barrington, Rhode Island

I checked the temperature before I went out for my photo and saw that it was 55°F (13°C.) Nice enough for some street photography, I thought. Then I stepped outside. The wind was blowing at gale force, and it was a bitterly cold wind! Scratch the street photography! I only had a light spring jacket with me, so it was on to Plan B. I headed to Haines Point knowing I'd be able to get a photo within a very short distance from my nice, warm car. Now, you would think that a native Rhode Islander would remember that the wind would be stronger and colder near the water, right? Not this native Rhode Islander, apparently. It took all of about 20 seconds for me to conclude that my photo would be the first photogenic subject I found. That's what you see before you. I took the photo and, like Brave Sir Robin of Monty Python fame, I bravely beat a very brave retreat. Next time, I'll check the wind-chill factor, not the temperature.

Post processing started with a classic filter in Topaz B&W FX. I adjusted color sensitivity sliders, adaptive exposure, regions, contrast, and boost black. A levels adjustment was added in PSE.

Here's the high res version in Smugmug:
Great picture for the fact that you took it that quick! :D
Don't want to show off but we had more than 20 degrees C today! Is the weather always so cold in Rhode Islad at that time?
April 24th, 2014  
@justaspark Thanks, Jule! Thank God for image stabilization. I had my 200mm lens on, and the wind was causing a lot of shake. Weather in April is very unpredictable. We really don't get consistently warm temperatures until May, and by June I find it too hot.
April 24th, 2014  
@kannafoot I know that from here. Normally, the weather in April is very inconsistent. This year it seems to be better, though!
There's an old German saying: "April, April, der macht was er will"... That means "April, April, does what he wants"... It's not so funny in English because it's not a poem but it's still true :D
April 24th, 2014  
Great lines on the boat. Brave soul. Good for you.
April 24th, 2014  
@justaspark Yes, that does sound like April! lol April is supposed to be a very rainy month here, but the last few years it's been rather dry.

@tigerdreamer Thanks, Karen! I did like the boat. These beached rowboats fascinate me for some reason.
April 25th, 2014  
A great shot…makes me want to know the story behind why it's there.
April 25th, 2014  
We've see this boat before in your project, right? I like how you used the boat's line to bring interest to the straight background.
April 25th, 2014  
@tasian Thanks, Ken! There are a lot of these rowboats staked along the shore. Yachts are moored out in the river - it's tidal and too shallow near shore for them - and these rowboats are used to get out to the yachts.
@jyokota Thanks, Junko! You've seen another boat in this location before. It wasn't this one, but a similar all white one pretty close to where this one is staked.
April 25th, 2014  
A wonderful capture, especially knowing that it was a quick photo! Love the subject here, very interesting. Seems the cold weather must be going around, after a hot day yesterday we woke up today to gale force winds, pouring rain and the loudest thunder that I have ever heard during a storm! :)
April 25th, 2014  
@lilminimonka You do have to love April, Brianna! It sounds like it's unpredictable in any hemisphere. Our pouring rain and thunder was yesterday, but the gale force winds were today. Fun stuff...
April 25th, 2014  
@kannafoot -- I knew there was something familiar about this . . . and something new at the same time. Surprised I recalled an image from earlier . . . must have been impressionable!
April 25th, 2014  
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