Patience by kannafoot


09 October 2014 -- 282/365
Wickford, Rhode Island

I went to the tiny historic fishing village of Wickford for today's photo. Surprisingly, the access ramp down to the water-level dock wasn't roped off today, so I wandered down there looking for an interesting photo. The gull - a juvenile ring-bill gull - in the foreground was standing in front of the woman seated on the bench for a surprisingly long time. He didn't budge when I approached from below, nor did he move when other people passed between him and the woman. When she saw me lining up the photo, the woman commented, "he's waiting for my apple core." Talk about patience! I'm guessing, though, that he's been through this ritual several times already.

Post processing started with a classic filter in Topaz B&W FX. I adjusted color sensitivity sliders, adaptive exposure, regions, contrast, boost black, boost white, and protect highlights. A levels adjustment was added in PSE.

Here's the high res version in Smugmug:
What a wonderful shot and connection these two seem to have, that is one patient little fellow to wait for that apple core! Only has one focus and that is on that apple core!
October 10th, 2014  
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