Digging a Hole
16 December 2014 -- 350/365
North Providence, Rhode Island
This scene greeted those of us trying to drive down my street today. What they are trying to accomplish remains a mystery, although our postal carrier speculated that they are doing some repairs on the sewer. I find that unlikely, though, since the sewer is on the opposite side of the street from where they are digging. There's a hose with water coming out of it in front of the Chevy on the right, but I can't see the source of that hose. It disappears from view in front of the left-front tire, and I can't tell where it goes from there. "Curiouser, and curiouser," said Alice.
Post processing started with a classic filter in Topaz B&W FX. I adjusted color sensitivity sliders, adaptive exposure, regions, contrast, boost black, boost white, and protect highlights. A levels adjustment was added in PSE.