Just Butt Out! by pasadenarose

Just Butt Out!

So typical in L.A. LOL

These chicks nearly caused an accident or three. Sheesh!

When I first spotted them, I KNEW I had to get a shot, but I wasn't in the right position. So I zoomed around the block, trying to anticipate which direction they might be heading. Damn, missed them! Around another block, wait for a red light and BAM, they're mine. Alright, so I'm 2nd in line behind another car that pulled over to shoot them too. That's what they are doing in this photo, posing for the car in front of me.

Not the best composition, but I didn't want to risk causing an accident by lingering and maneuvering too long.
oh my!! Can't even imagine!!! Good job!!! So ridiculous it is funny!
September 8th, 2013  
I am speechless.
Good eye to see the photo op (?) clever maneuvering to get in position and great timing all combine to make the most interesting shot I have seen in a while!
September 8th, 2013  
Quite some sight to see! Kudos to you for trying everything to ensure you get the shot!
September 8th, 2013  
What a sight, I think they look a bit silly
September 8th, 2013  
Oh yes. It was really quite shameful. Shortly after seeing these 'lovely' ladies, I saw several more scantily clad young women scattered about the general area. Turns out they were all en route to a huge outdoor concert at a park near Chinatown.
I don't know who the performers were or what the theme was, but almost all of them were costumed and had their butt cheeks on display.
But when I first saw this trio, I didn't know what in the heck to think! LOL This is bizarre, even for L.A.
They certainly were turning heads, which I'm sure was their intention.
September 8th, 2013  
Oh my!
September 9th, 2013  
funny shot
September 9th, 2013  
i would have loved seeing you trying to get this shot! These pants look like they are very uncomfortable! Do their parents know they are in public like this. I really do live in the country.
September 13th, 2013  
Parents? Eh, it was probably a lack of parenting that resulted in such behavior. :-(
You are lucky to be in the country and away from such nonsense.
September 13th, 2013  
What a great shot. We were just talking about short, shorts. Wore hot pants back in the day and short dresses but wow, these leave nothing to the imagination. Funny about the person in front of you and them posing for a front shot. Wish I had their figures but I do not think the street is a place for something so risqué. I just read above about the concert.
September 15th, 2013  
Cheeky ;o) xx
September 15th, 2013  
@psychographer Indeed! LOL
September 16th, 2013  
Now, that's not a sight you see round here very often either! At least their lower legs wont get sunburned!
September 25th, 2013  
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