An unusual find by rhoing

An unusual find

Probably not going to make the Popular Page with this; it looks kinda creepy!

Chlorotabanus crepuscularis has no common name. Not many photos of this particular bug at BugGuide: only 102 images (65 sightings*).

The specific epithet, crepuscularis, means “active during the crepuscular hours of dusk and dawn.

“Body pale green, eyes and thorax yellowish green. The only green tabanid in N[orth] A[merica].

“Females feed on mammalian blood.” —A.W. Thomas, Contributing Editor

» ID’ed as Chlorotabanus crepuscularis at BugGuide
» Species pages: [ BugGuide ] [ Wikipedia ]

* BugGuide sightings, by state: Florida, 18; Louisiana, 8; Georgia, 6; North Carolina, 6; Alabama, 4; Virginia, 4; Maryland, 3; Illinois, 2; Mississippi, 2; New Jersey, 2; Ohio, 2; South Carolina, 2; Tennessee, 2; Texas, 2; Missouri, 1; Oklahoma, 1. Congratulations to Florida! ;) where it is regarded as a pest species. Look familiar, Danette?

[ PXL_20240617_180932525_LE15tm :: cell phone ]

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What a fantastic shot!
July 4th, 2024  
Very interesting, indeed!
July 4th, 2024  
Nice close up.
July 6th, 2024  
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