This is hanging about 500 feet down the road from our place, in pristine condition. Fortunately, I haven't seen any hornets or wasps using it (though our neighbor said she's seen one going in).
@vignouse you think I should have someone knock it down or otherwise try to get rid of it, since it is within range of a few of the homes along the road? Worrisome to have a full family of these to cope with.
Great for photography and this is a nice offset shot. But yes - I would usually get a professional to eradicate the nest if it is in proximity of people living.
fab picture of the nest , maybe someone could knock it down in the winter if anyone's on the island? Well, if they will reuse it in the spring not sure will have to goggle that question.
That's a pretty big one, so it's not something you really want to tangle with to find out if it's still in use. Since it's not hanging near a place where people are, I'd let it be! Good shot!