Taiwanese Steakhouse by taiwandaily

Taiwanese Steakhouse

A quick photo of the food at a traditional Taiwanese Steakhouse. You get a hot plate with your meat (pork, chicken, beef, fish) some noodles, one or two pieces of veggies, and an egg. All for around 3 USD, with some dishes being a bit more, but not by much.

While it's a weird mix, their food quality is actually not bad, especially for the price. Also to the side of the picture, you can see a bit of a bread basket. at these types of restaurants the bread is usually half slices of bread that are at the bread station and you can put some spread on them (most common is garlic) and then put them in the toaster ovens there, coming back later to pick them up. Also there is self serve thick corn soup with each place having their own additions to make it unique.
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