Different Generations by taiwandaily

Different Generations

The older generation in Taiwan likes to put many of their things outside the home. they basically use the area around their homes as a storage area for many different kinds of objects they don't need in their home, yet they still want to keep. if you are a hoarder, Taiwan is like a haven for you.

In contrast to this, the younger generations are a bit more organized and care much more about the appearance of their homes. This can lead to some very big contrasts between one apartment that looks like a perennial yard sale is going on outside, and one next to it has been remodeled to look impeccable outside.

While there are many great examples of homes with very interesting assortments of things around them, i felt a bit guilty about taking a picture of them. i believe that hoarding can be considered as a mental disease, so i didn't want to seem like i was taking pictures of somebody with disease.

But i just had to take this picture because it really made my chuckle. Actually I give them credit for making use of that small space between the gate and the side of their house. Also I could relate because in my own apartment the thing that is most annoying to store is my luggage. A bit jealous that they found such a...unique place to store theirs.

Best of all this apartment is in the most expensive area of Taipei. The place where apartment values are the highest in the country. And all surrounding it are some really spectacular looking apartments.
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