Proof That I Study Hard by taiwandaily

Proof That I Study Hard

I spent the better part of the day at a nearby university's library. They have a large variety of chinese learning books and best of all the audio and video cd's that go with them. These cd's are needlessly expensive out in the real world.

Studying in the library can be quite numbing, there is no real light that comes in so you don't see the passage of time, and everything is so stale you can't feel time moving at all. So after several hours my mind is just in a Chinese haze and i want to run home and hide from Chinese for the rest of the night.

The picture is of the bathroom door. this is taken from right in front of the urinal. The reason I took this picture is because when in my studying induced coma, whenever i finish urinating and turn around I am startled because i see this picture on the door and think it's a real guy that has been staring at me while i was peeing.

So there you go, proof that I study very hard. Because only somebody who used up all his brain power on studying, could be so stupid to be startled by a picture on a door...right?
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