Leap Day by taiwandaily

Leap Day

Since yesterday was a leap day, I wanted to follow the leap day tradition of doing something special that I wouldn't normally do. I couldn't really think of anything as I've already done a lot and anything truly special would have required plans to have been made a long time in advance.

So what did i finally do that was special? Well at 3pm on 2/29, i sat on my sofa, with the window open and the breeze coming in, and listened to music while petting my dog. It was truly relaxing and for me, quite special.

Since my full time job is studying Chinese, I don't really take the time to relax. Any time i'm not studying or practicing chinese, I feel that I should still be doing something productive. Because if i'm not doing something productive, I feel guilty and that I should be studying instead. For example for the past few weeks I spent what little free time I had, reading every single law that Taiwan has (in English of course).

So the time sitting on the sofa truly doing nothing was quite wonderful. Although It only lasted for two minutes and then I felt guilty again and went to do more studying.

The picture is of a leisure activity that a few people seem to enjoy at a local park, kite flying. The one pictured is actually quite high, and i have at times seen it sail high above the roof tops, down the city streets, and get stuck behind a building. Quite incredible really. I always think of kite flying as the way it was in my childhood when I barely got it off the ground. So every time I'm at the park and the kite guys are there, I ruin my eyes by looking up at the sun looking for their kites.
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