Golden Day by taiwandaily

Golden Day

For a friend's birthday today, we took her car out along the north coast to hit some spots I had yet to visit. We went to a small city on the north coast, an abandoned copper/gold mine and it's surrounding exhibits and attractions, and we went to a historical old town. All things that had been on my list for awhile and it was nice to be able to pack them in all in one day.

I took a lot of pictures so look forward to them. i'm sure they will take up the next week or so. Also I think i've painted myself into a corner with so long posts. So dear reader, fortunately or unfortunately for you, I will probably be shortening my entries for awhile.

Besides you don't explain a great day, you "feel" a great day, so i'll let the pictures do a lot of my talking for me. Starting with the above. This is called "golden waterfall" because it is tinted a rusty orange color because of all the copper from the old mine which has run into this stream. You can't really make out the color here, but don't worry I have some other pictures that really show how much the copper stains the rocks and other things.
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