Because They Are Better Than Us by taiwandaily

Because They Are Better Than Us

I've said it many times before, but one of the fortunate/unfortunate things about being a foreigner is that you end up making friends with and even getting pretty close with people who you wouldn't necessarily associate with back home. not to say that these people are bad, just that back home you normally hang out with people who share your similar interests and are compatible personality types. While here, you don't always have that luxury.

Yesterday I went out with a friend of mine who is quite wealthy. She is not one of those quiet and reserved rich people. She is the type that repeatedly drives her BMW into oncoming traffic because she thinks that rules don't apply to her. So I knew I was going to be in for a rather unique evening.

It started with her of course being 45 minutes late. However people can't let you down if you know what they will do, so i came prepared and had a list of things I want to go take pictures of in the area. So fear not I spent my time taking pictures for you, my dear reader.

She wanted to go to a member's only exclusive car wash (pictured above). But our first adventure was her needing to get some money from the ATM, so that meant she parked her car in front of the driveway to an office building, effectively blocking it. While she ran into the 7-11, i got to practice my chinese by arguing with a security guard, who wanted the car gone.

We eventually got to the car wash (after a few ventures into the oncoming lane). The car wash has it's own cigar bar where you can relax and wait. The big attraction however is that there is a well known restaurant across the street where according to my friend "you have to make reservations two months in advance." however if you are a member of the car wash you can just go over and be directly seated. We did have the option of staying in the cigar bar and having the food delivered to us, but we chose to go over to the restaurant to eat.

In front of the restaurant was a very long line of people, at least thirty. however this made me question, that if you need a reservation, why have a line? perhaps they save a few tables for drop in customers, but that must mean fewer tables available for them and there were already thirty people in line so seems most of them won't get in. But hey, perhaps the standing in line is even more enjoyable than the actual eating.

Anyway, we walked right in at were seated. I should mention that the whole evening is being narrated by my friend whose favorite phrase is "most people think this is a big deal, but it's not a big deal for me." Which of course is a lie cause you can see just how much she enjoys the pleasures her money brings her.

The meal itself was pretty good. I hardly ever eat soup but I had most of my soup. My main dish was fish, and it really hit the spot. for the past few weeks i'd been looking for a place with good fish, only to be let down, but this place satisfied me.

After dinner it was back to the car wash to inspect the car. She was a bit unhappy with the area that had been fixed after her accident. An accident from when she made a left hand turn from the right lane and ran into a guy in the left hand lane who was going straight. But she insists it was the other guy's fault as even though she broke the rules, he should have been paying attention.

I guess you are asking, why do I spend time with her? I can say that in Taiwan most people are not very confident, and they don't stick up for themselves, even when they are right, or when somebody has cheated them or taken advantage of them. so sometimes it can be nice to spend time with somebody who is aggressive and confident and fights for what they want and expects to be treated fairly. granted this friend is overconfident and wants to be treated better than others, but still once in awhile that is a welcome change of pace.
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