It's Got To Be Code For Something Else by taiwandaily

It's Got To Be Code For Something Else

Taiwan is an interesting land where Japanese and American culture combine to create a unique hybrid of trends, ideas, and styles. While for the most part I feel that there should be less American influence in some areas, and less Japanese influence in others, this combination of culture does have it's benefits. One being that nothing ever really becomes quite as popular or ubiquitous as it is back in it's native land.

For example Hello Kitty. It's extremely popular in Japan, so much so that I think Hello Kitty was almost the prime minister of Japan. Thankfully here it's not as popular. It pretty much owns the market on cell phone covers, cases and other phone accessories, but that's pretty much it.

So this leads me to be even more stunned by this photo. This is a store I saw out of the corner of my eye and even though I was in a hurry, I went over to take a picture. Unfortunately I didn't have time to go in and see for myself, because I really can't believe that this is really what it is. In Taiwan there are a lot of storefronts that are actually code for something else (brothels), but I can't figure out if Hello Kitty Ceramic Tiles is the best or worst name for a brothel. If it is a brothel, than with that name it has to be the kinkiest one in the country.
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