What The Body Wants by taiwandaily

What The Body Wants

The older I get, and the older my friends get, I start to see that we are not as evolved as we think we are. That our bodies basically want and need only the foods that were around 10,000 years ago. And that just because something is natural, doesn't mean it's good for us. Just like wheat is natural, but making it into bread is not, which is why bread is so incredibly unhealthy.

I was talking to a friend who suffers from some stomach ailments and he mentioned that what I am referring to is the "paleolithic diet." To which I responded "oh cool, a cave man diet." Only later to find out that wasn't a clever comment as it's also already called that. Sigh, bad form.

The reason I bring this all up is that i have really become a cave man. The reason for this seems to be my recent more intense workout regime. With doing more running and more strenuous weight lifting, has caused my body to just crave the essentials. Meaning fruit and meat, or more specifically, sugar and protein.

It seems a bit crazy but for the past few weeks I have only been hungry for fruit, and slabs of meat. For yeas I've been exercising just so I could eat whatever garbage I want. But now I no longer crave those unhealthy desserts and meals. Yep me, a person who can eat (and wants to eat) pizza everyday, have had no desire for it. I just want some fruit and a big chunk of chicken.

Picture above is some of the fruit I have stored in my house. It's pineapple season in Taiwan right now and they are incredibly sweet, to be honest they almost too sweet, as i can only eat a bit and then need to take a break. It's also a bit early for mango season but as I love "golden mangoes" I had to get one a bit early just to prepare myself for the goodness that is the upcoming mango season.

Anyway I guess I cracked the code. Since being healthy is both exercise and eating right, all you need to do is just do intensive exercise and it will force your body to go into necessity healthy eating mode. Either that or my next post will be written from a hospital bed.
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