Church And State And Toilets by taiwandaily

Church And State And Toilets

Going from purely anecdotal evidence alone, Taiwan also has a separation of church and state. I can only say anecdotal evidence because everybody I have asked about this, really has no idea. We can chalk this not knowing for sure, up to the fact that while most Taiwanese will say that they are Buddhist, they don't really do anything to practice it. This and people seem to actively try their best to avoid anything about government or politics. So usually when I need to double check some info about Taiwan, i will ask some high school students, as they have to learn these things. Anybody out of high school has quickly forgotten.

But that's not to say that religious things don't sometimes creep into government, they just do so without anybody realizing it. Partly because people don't know much about the western religions, and partly because the western religious beliefs and practices are such a big part of the various media.

But really it's just because nobody really pays attention to English writing. As shown on this picture with a bible quote on it, found in the subway station's bathroom. They just wanted a pretty picture for the wall and didn't really look at what the words were. This is actually a very common things in bathrooms around Taipei. There will be pictures with some words on them. Some of which i don't think they would really want hanging up if they knew what the words meant.

But if you want to know what those are, you'll have to come to Taipei and take your very own bathroom tour. Because i'm late for an appointment and don't have time to try and remember all of them. Or you can just make up your own. Take a scenic view, compare it to human body part, and make it creepy. There you go, you saved yourself the plane trip!
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