Scary Convenience  by taiwandaily

Scary Convenience

The end of the year is coming and I'm limpingy towards the finish line. I don

The foods above should be familiar to anybody who read the previous month or two of my blog where i talk about the two types of stands which sell a variety of boiled or fried snacks. The difference with this picture is that it's in a 7-11.

7-11 has always had a few selections (i think i talked before about their boiled eggs), but this is the first I have seen such a what seems like over 40 choices spanning three containers. At first the idea of getting these from 7-11 seems a bit scary, but the more i think about it, there is probably no difference between the nutritional value (or lack there of) of these and the ones found at street vendors. In fact street vendors scare me because most of their cooking stations seem like they haven't been cleaned in decades.

The idea of getting food from 7-11 is also not a scary idea for most Taiwanese. In fact a high majority of people will get their meals from 7-11. Men getting lunch boxes, and women getting small rice balls that have various things inside. Living and growing up in a city where there is more than one convenient store on every corner means that for most people, getting your meals from 7-11 is the norm and not a sign that you have hit bottom and need to reevaluate your life.

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