...is what I've been doing all day - and it's got worse as the day has gone on. Photography was the last thing on my mind today, but an obligation is an obligation, so when Mrs S came in with some newly potted up hyacinths... I seized my chance. This falls well short of what I would usually expect to post so I hope normal service will be resumed as soon as possible!
The image is SOOC and is part of my ongoing OCOLOY project - you can read more about it in my post for 1 January and in my profile. I'm also tagging this for B&W February.
A credit to you to maintain the challenge even when you are feeling so awful. I do hope you are soon feeling much better. Your hyacinths look lovely and, as you say, BOB
Pauvre Richard ! Toute mon admiration pour votre ténacité et votre courage ;) ....allez vite au lit avec une tisane ....ou un vin chaud !! Bon rétablissements !