This shot isn't set up.....this is how my counter looked tonight. Tonight we dined with Stormtroopers, but we've also eaten dinner with Harry Potter and Hagrid, The Terminator, King Kong, and Godzilla, along with lots of other characters......makes for an interesting dining experience :-)
Originally from the UK, but now living in the US, I'm a Jewelry Designer/Metalsmith who has an unhealthy obsession with 80's music.
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@joeyc thank you Joey :-) @lalypics thanks Laly! I miss seeing your pictures :-) @michaelelliott thank you Michael......much appreciated :-) @humphreyhippo haha this is true.......then again, you have Humphrey ;-)
Mind you, you have kids... ;)
@lalypics thanks Laly! I miss seeing your pictures :-)
@michaelelliott thank you Michael......much appreciated :-)
@humphreyhippo haha this is true.......then again, you have Humphrey ;-)
@adamj thanks Adam :-)