• November 2016

1st Nov 2016 - Sing For Your Supper!
2nd Nov 2016 - Life as a Duchess...  Pass the Bon-Bons, Please...
3rd Nov 2016 - What a Fortuitous Year to be a Cubbie on the T-Ball Team!
4th Nov 2016 - Our Remaining Sunset Days of Summer
5th Nov 2016 - Close Your Eyes, and You Could Be in New Orleans!
7th Nov 2016 - My Own Little Bit of ETSOOI
8th Nov 2016 - "To Be..." or not "Two Bees..."?
12th Nov 2016 - Champagne Taste on a Beer Pocketbook
13th Nov 2016 - Take a Step Back in Time...
14th Nov 2016 - All American!
21st Nov 2016 - Nova
23rd Nov 2016 - A Canadian "American Thanksgiving"
26th Nov 2016 - “For it is good to be a child sometimes, and never better than at Christmas..."
27th Nov 2016 - IT'S SNOWING !!!