Stop the Sewage march by anniesue

Stop the Sewage march

Windermere to Bowness

Save Windemere
Is sewerage pumped into the lakes?? Thought it was rivers and coastlines, shows how naive I am!!
June 29th, 2024  
Interesting image - and title
June 30th, 2024  
@30pics4jackiesdiamond it's a bit sad that all the fuss up here hasn't been translated into countrywide knowledge. But yes. The sewage system at Ambleside is one where both sewage and groundwater use the same pipes and when there is heavy rain there is no capacity, so untreated sewage is released into the lake.
June 30th, 2024  
@narayani it was a well-marshalled march - with a clear intent!
June 30th, 2024  
Well spotted and captured Annie-Sue you could not really miss them very noisy and colourful yet well meaning and well behaved:)
June 30th, 2024  
@pcoulson they've got a point - but if Jackie (above) doesn't know [she lives 'down South'] then that point is not not getting about. Perhaps this got national coverage?
June 30th, 2024  
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