Commuter Heaven/Hell by browngirl

Commuter Heaven/Hell

King's Cross is always busy. It's a major underground and overground hub where you can get from A to B to C fairly easily. It's also the place that I grew up. I can see how much it's changed over the last forty or so years. Growing up I knew it as the red light district. A place where the prostitutes and homeless people hung out. It wasn't safe to go there at night. The homeless are still there and whilst I believe that the pros are also still there, they definitely aren't as visible. Drugs though are definitely rife as I've seen packets being passed between people.

King's Cross though has gone classy in its old age. Wine bars, restaurants aplenty, designer shopping. It's the place where I work during the daytime and where my mum lives a short walk away. It's also where I'm hoping to catch my train to Scotland to see my friend in Fife later on this year if I can pull my finger out and sort out the tickets.
cool POV and shot ... interesting facts
February 27th, 2017  
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