this is a collage of the various fruits (plums, quinces, blackberries, figs, pomegranates and pears) which are growing along our little creek very near our house. The area in which we live used to be orchards before the houses took over. Our local council is trying to revegetate the area with native grasses and trees which are lovely but we are hoping they dont pull out these lovely memories of the past.
What a beautiful collage of tasty treats. It'd be a real shame if these fruit trees were destroyed. You could make your picture a poster that advertises in their favor: Perserve the Fruits!
@deu49097 thanks for the fav Dawn. It almost feels like the Garden of Eden where you can just pluck fruit of the trees (that's if the birds havnt beaten you to it :)
thanks everyone for commenting. Hope we beat the birds and get to taste some of the fruit when it is fully ripe