suddenly aged 20 years this morning. After being over enthusiastic about getting things done because it was a bright sunny day, my back decided to revolt and cease work :( (Legacy of my work which involved a lot of lifting of disabled kids) now its ice packs and my great auntie's walking stick till I can get to see my beloved chiropractor tomorrow.
Oh, sorry for that. I may understand how much it could hurt. I used to be a back suffer up to some years ago when I used to do things in a hurry and by myself. Hope you get better very soon. I love this shot - great crop and textures.
@gigiflower Thanks Sam. Why is it always when my back feels so good that something sets it off again. Never mind a few good clicks tomorrow should set it on the right track
@golder365mjsmith@naomima@deu49097@yaorenliu feeling a little better today after some gentle manipulation, Now its icepacks every half hour to reduce swelling. Not the best when its only 7C outside. thanks for your positive comments. It was tricky remaining upright and shooting with my left hand :)
Working my way backwards through your photos. So sorry to hear of your pain. Did note your chiropractor did help later in the week, but there is no joy in chronic back problems. :-(
Take care and get some rest!