Rolling down the river by danette

Rolling down the river

It's the season to go scalloping. Headed down the river to the Gulf of Mexico. I always find it fun to be part of the "boat parade" headed out.
Nice! I'd love to eat some fresh scallops right now.
July 2nd, 2024  
Patriotic too! I’ve had scallops this week!
July 2nd, 2024  
@calm it’s a patriotic town
July 2nd, 2024  
Left a good job in the city,
Workin' for the man ev'ry night and day …. 😎
July 2nd, 2024  
Sounds like it will be a great day, if you can find the scallops. Great shot.
July 2nd, 2024  
@rickster549 we already went out twice. First day, we were lucky on our 3rd location. Water was shallow enough. We limited out in about 90 minutes. 2nd day, a good location was hard to find. We were out for 5 hours. High tide. Deep water. Super strong current. Our fourth location hit the jackpot. By then it was low tide but the area was at least 6 feet deep. After diving and fighting the current, I swam back to the boat. The last few, I had to hang onto the boat’s power pole to dive down. I picked up 45 there in maybe 30 minutes. I would have stayed just for the fun, but I couldn’t fight the current anymore.
July 2nd, 2024  
Ahh, the good life!
July 2nd, 2024  
Great capture
July 2nd, 2024  
Such a wonderful capture and fabulous story! I love scallops and would have loved the trip too.
July 2nd, 2024  
Lovely scene
July 2nd, 2024  
Nice capture!
July 2nd, 2024  
Nice shot!
July 2nd, 2024  
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