Tell All the Truth but Tell it Slant by darylo

Tell All the Truth but Tell it Slant

Of course, not my words, but those of my favorite poet (well, one of my favs), Emily Dickinson. Of all the poets, her work has been the most manipulated/edited--you have to see her original manuscripts--the actual penmanship is artwork; the page canvas. One particular poem about the sea is written in such a way that the words form waves. I learned so much about Dickinson in undergraduate studies from Professor Willauer at Conn College and then at Ga. State Univ. from Prof. Marta Werner, perhaps the most brilliant scholar I have ever met. Have a peek here at an article--

Just a random thought, but it all came to mind as I could not decide which way to process this midtown building’s balconies, flipped vertical, and accentuating the natural curve to them (as they do right side up--does that even make sense? No, I believe not).

I'm seeing in slant these days, so forgive the narratives that go nowhere. I'm about to re-launch my blog about middle age as I approach 50.5 and chart my adventure to Japan and Bali.

But at the same time, I'm working with the realities of life. My father-in-law has been in the hospital for at least a month now, my husband left for NY today. From phone call to flight was a matter of two hours. Sepsis (I had to look it up) was whispered, pneumonia probably, and UTI. Meanwhile, I try to keep something normal going on--but I fail miserably at it. And yet, I'm pretty happy. My back is hurting a lot. So I think, maybe surfing in Bali may not happen. But I will book a lesson, at the very least, and tell the wonderfully handsome instructor (in my mind) that this arthritic, saggy, back-hurting, almost 50.5-year-old might need a tug boat to haul this barge, but by golly, board and woman will go out in the water if not to return belly on board. No one will witness the event, except my exceptionally hot instructor, and I'll tell you all about it, the truth of it, but slant.
Oh Daryl I am laughing and frowning at the same time - your words are wonderful - your father in laws problems not - I should write down my meandering thoughts somewhere too - glad I am not the only one whose brain works in strange ways - Bali and Japan to look forward to - a photo of the handsome instructor a must ( if he isn't of course you just troll the beach until you find one ) :)
May 18th, 2015  
Love your words and story. Sorry to hear about your Father in Law...praying for him not to be in pain. And oh, do I love the sounds of your hot surfing instructor. Get photos please. LOVE the collage.
May 18th, 2015  
Oh I am with Annie on this one, stroll the beach and find the best looker you can. I am so sorry about your Father in Law, distance seems to make things so much worse. In any event back slant, word slant, tug boat slant have a great time.
May 18th, 2015  
I like your narratives, even when you think they go nowhere. Tell us when you relaunch your blog. I just launched mine! I am so sorry about your father-in-law. My dad had sepsis. I hope they caught it in time. We only found out by accident. Prayers for you all.
May 18th, 2015  
@danette give me your blog! Mine is
May 18th, 2015  
Mine is business. So far, just 2 entries. New thing for me! Critiques welcome!
May 18th, 2015  
Good and bad thrown in together there. Sorry about your Father-in-law. Are you going surfing on your own? No daughters and hubby?
May 18th, 2015  
@888rachel solo trip. Friend will meet me in Bali for last part.
May 18th, 2015  
Love the line and pattern.
May 18th, 2015  
Love your triptych and your words. Carla Bruni used one of Emily Dickinson's poems for lyrics for a song on a CD. Sorry for the pain in your family but happy surfing.
May 18th, 2015  
Sorry about your father-in-law. Look forward to hearing the hot instructor's story. Cheer up.
May 18th, 2015  
Wonderful words for this time in your life. I hope your father-in-law is not in pain... hopefully, he will recover. Lovely triptych... I like the one on the far left best. Bali is on my bucket list, so please take pictures!
May 18th, 2015  
cool capture!
May 18th, 2015  
I like some vertical! I also like in these three different ways! Well done my dear!

Sorry to hear about your FIL. Praying it is just a temporary setback.
I am so looking forward to the pictures from your grand adventure. I hope your back is better so you can hang ten on that board!!
May 19th, 2015  
Fabulous triptych. Love this!
May 19th, 2015  
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