Sebastião Salgado: Genesis @ Natural History Museum

April 28th, 2013
If you're in London, can highly recommend the Sebastião Salgado: Genesis exhibition currently on exhibit at the Natural History Museum.

Some thought provoking and absolutely stunning b&w images, well worth and hour or two of your time!
April 28th, 2013
Thanks for this.... stunnng photos and think this is well worth a visit
April 28th, 2013
Might visit!
April 28th, 2013
Thanks Chippy, if I'm in London with some time to spare I'll try and get along. I've watched the video and the images are, well, astonishing.
April 28th, 2013
Thank you love his work - definitely worth a visit! : )
April 29th, 2013
That looks amazing! What great photos!
April 29th, 2013
Who wants to buy me a plane ticket? Salgado's work is so poignant.
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