Adobe changes

May 6th, 2013
Wait does this mean I'll have to actually pay for Photoshop now? :P
May 6th, 2013
It's a nice idea if you can afford it, especially if you use multiple CS products. Bad news for those who don't upgrade with every release though, pushes the full version of Photoshop further out of reach.

Doubt it will affect Elements very soon as that wasn't previously part of the Creative Cloud offering. Lightroom is though, so it'll be interesting to see which direction they choose for the Lightroom 5 release. If they plan to make that cloud-only they'll need to introduce some more complexity to their pricing structure -- currently any single app is $19.99 per month, but that doesn't make any kind of sense for Lightroom.
May 6th, 2013
@abirkill I was holding off on buying LR because I knew they were getting ready to release LR 5 so I figured I'd wait and get the most up to date version. Now that I read this I may have to bite the bullet and buy version 4 because there's no way I can justify spending the amounts they're asking on a monthly basis for something I don't/won't use on a daily basis.
May 6th, 2013
@l2lumom Didn't take long for Adobe to clarify the Lightroom situation -- they're continuing to offer it as a standalone product (at least for LR5).
May 6th, 2013
@abirkill Thank you for that information!
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