Portraits of children in water

July 29th, 2013
The work of Wendy Sacks. I'm not sure if I like it or find it a little spooky:



July 29th, 2013
Yes, I see what you mean. They seem to be deceased.
July 29th, 2013
Some of the post-processing does not keep the realness of the image intact. Look at some of the places where the water contacts the skin.
July 29th, 2013
I understand that art is subjective, but those children just look dead to me.
July 29th, 2013
With you on that one Paul... it is just wrong..
July 29th, 2013
I don't know about dead....well yeh a little zombie ish, but they certainly don't look happy.
July 29th, 2013
I think that it is powerful and beautiful art photography, great find Paul! I find it interesting how so many people get down on art that isn't all bubble gum and cotton candy.
July 29th, 2013
I enjoy looking and learning from all sorts of different genres of art and photography and agree with @soren that not all good images have to be soft and cuddly. However, I did find this a little disturbing in the way some of the images looked like they were dead. Can't make my mind up Paul, but thought provoking to say the least!
July 29th, 2013
I did not like them, I am all for pushing the boat out when it comes to photography, but if it makes me feel uncomfortable then it is a no no.
July 29th, 2013
@soren I certainly agree with you that art does not have to be puppies and kittens and I have no issue with this particular project as I did find it the images to be moving, i just didn't like that the children really looked dead in some of them. As a mom of three it was sort of like something out of my nightmares.
July 29th, 2013
interesting and compelling... after reading the comments i was expecting something creepy or at least very provocative - but i didn't find them to be that way at all...

that said, i am not sure i like this style for portraiture... to me the stillness is somewhat unnatural and the fact that some of the children seem uncomfortable in the poses makes me edgy... not that i would say it isn't art or that it is not good art, just that in my mind, portraits are meant to represent the person, and these seem to be more about art and the photographer (if i'm making any sense at all)

July 30th, 2013
Looks like some photos of Sally Mann ...quite disturbing sometimes
July 30th, 2013
I couldn't see the dead kids. I saw some symbolism in the whole water/womb kinda thing but to me, it was just a bunch of kids inappropriately dressed for a day out at the local swimming hole. And in COLOUR too! Was so not expecting that... when someone said art and photography, well I was expecting another old school trip down memory lane where we had many shades of grey.

Interesting, but I would not hang one of those photos up on my wall for fear of being called an old man with a beard and a lazy eye.
July 30th, 2013
I thought they looked a bit freaky, zombie-like I didn't like them much!
July 30th, 2013
One of the things I love about this group is the wide range of opinions that a subject can engender. As I come across these sort of websites I like to post them up for viewing whether they are "fluffy fotos" or not because I feel that everyone should see them and decide for themselves what it is that they like or don't like. Obviously I do exercise a little common sense and if I think that something is likely to be disturbing then I either don't post it (if it is particularly unpleasant) or I warn folks up front so that they can make the decision whether to view or not. In this case, I found the photographs a trifle disturbing - not purely because the subjects are children but partly because I have a morbid fear of drowning and this just touched on that fear. Then again, having said that, it has made me think and re-evaluate my thoughts so it has had a positive effect too.

@traceyhn @chapjohn @seejillrun @julzmaioro @corgimom @soren @andrina @cookie123 @northy @cocobella @bobfoto @sjodell
July 31st, 2013
i like some of them, but find others somewhat disturbing...
August 3rd, 2013
As a mother of two young kids this looks like my worst nightmare! Not my cup of tea I'm afraid but yes I can see there may be an 'art' of sorts in there somewhere...
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