The March on Washington

August 30th, 2013
Some rare photographs of the biggest equal rights event in American history


August 30th, 2013
Wow. Such powerful images. I was 12! And I remember when I first understood "racism." We took a vacation with my cousins to Florida when I was 9. I'm sure racism existed in Cincinnati - but I was too young to think about it. We got caught in a downpour on a surrey ride in St. Augustine.. When I asked the man that was driving why he didn't go with us he told me he couldn't go into the church where we took shelter. Mom explained more later and suddenly I was reading the restroom signs at gas stations that said "White Men" "White Women" "Colored" or worse. That is what it took to awaken me to racism - and that led me to believe in equality for all - in every arena.
August 30th, 2013
They are very powerful images.
August 31st, 2013
i was a teenager when this march took place. this past week i watched a documentary called "We Were There - The March on Washington, An Oral History". it was outstanding.
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