a father photographs the world of his autistic son

October 11th, 2013
I know im not the only one on here that has a family member with autism...I loved these images and thought id share them incase anyone else had an interest in them. my son, theo is autistic (and wonderful) and hes often done completely crazy (to us) things. perhaps I should have taken more pics myself!

October 11th, 2013
Thank you for sharing this, I have a niece and nephew who are autistic. I must show this to my sister.
October 11th, 2013
Thanks for sharing... wonderful photographs, memories to keep...
October 11th, 2013
@jaynspain Thanks very much Jayn, it brings a tear to my eye looking through these images, just beautiful. Yeah it really hits home with these images I can relate to them all with my sister being autistic. Many thanks for sharing!
October 11th, 2013
beautiful photos. I went to the father's site and found not only his photos interesting, but his writing, too. thanks for sharing this little-known jewel.
October 12th, 2013
@dvarey could you post the link to the fathers website, I would love to read his posts and am unable to find it.
October 12th, 2013
@sianipops http://www.timothyarchibald.com/
I read some of his blog posts which is a link on his main page.
October 12th, 2013
Thank you for posting! My grandson has autism spectrum disorder.
October 12th, 2013
Thanks for sharing this Jayn. I have a cousin whose two children are both autistic
October 12th, 2013
Thanks for sharing ..... my youngest is autistic :)
October 12th, 2013
@dvarey thanks Diana :)
October 16th, 2013
@jaynspain wonderful pics! Thanks for the link :)
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