Maciej Dakowicz And The Spontaneous Photograph

October 23rd, 2013
I was looking at various photography ideas and concepts, and came about this photographer and his work, who I had not heard of before:

I wanted to share the link as it really made me think about the 'spontaneous photograph' - a lot of the time, as I'm sure others do, I focus on still subjects such as plants and buildings, I suppose because they're a safe photograph. Looking at Dakowicz inspired me to be braver with capturing a moment on camera that is not so planned.

Does anyone else want to increase their photography skill with this type of photo? What's your favourite one you've uploaded that relates to this? Would love to see some other interpretations of this!
October 23rd, 2013
I think my favourite one of my own so far is this one, where my grandad just happened to walk into the shot and make the photograph complete.

October 23rd, 2013
I love street photography and am a great fan of @jonikantonen who does nothing but street photography

My favourite one is the following. I recently entered my first photographic competition at the Photographic Society I joined last year and the print of this one won 1st prize!

October 23rd, 2013
@pennyp No wonder, it's a really good shot!
October 23rd, 2013
I'm attracted to street photography but have not practiced much of it. My location is part of the problem, my fear is the other part. Here's my favorite...
October 23rd, 2013
I also really like street photography, and I often try my hand (or my eye...) at it, and many times focusing on the unexpected...

Some of my favourites:

October 23rd, 2013
@skipt07 you need to post Shine on Harvest Moon.The most amazing example of this concept!
October 23rd, 2013
I love the ideas expressed in that link, and am definitely interested in such work. I hesitate when it comes to street photography, and am trying to overcome my past of taking static photos of posed people to being more spontaneous. I once met a young man on the plane who said he takes photos that cannot be taken again the next day (his way of saying, no buildings without context of the moment). My favorite recent post of spontaneous photography is this one because he is laughing at the idea I only needed him to stand against that wall so I could do light metering off his face to prepare to take someone else's photo:

October 24th, 2013
i don't always have the nerve to photograph strangers or just street - but i try

October 24th, 2013
@dvarey Definitely agree with the fear element, but great shot!
October 24th, 2013
@rafesmar Those are really nice photos you've got there, inspiring me to try my hand at it as well!
October 24th, 2013
@jyokota So simple but it's well-captured.
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