"selfie" - Oxford Dictionaries' international word of the year

November 19th, 2013

"The use of the diminutive -ie suffix is notable as it helps to turn an essentially narcissistic enterprise into something rather more endearing,"

Haha...love that line
November 19th, 2013
Will someone outside of Australia please tell me if this link is accessible?
November 19th, 2013
It is here - I'm in the UK ! Interesting to hear where the word came from, thank you !
November 19th, 2013
@ingrid2101 thanks Ingrid
November 19th, 2013
Selfie has certainly had a momentum on 365 for several years and @houdiniem linked it with plonk and plonkers
November 19th, 2013
Hahaha...it's not a word I use very often! Thanks for the share, G!
November 19th, 2013
@peterdegraaff how did I not know that of my friend? I thought it referred to boozer or wineo.....sorry @houdiniem I'm so laughing at the moment
November 19th, 2013
haha !
thanks for the share!
November 19th, 2013
@kazlamont Crikey Kazzie, go grab a tinnie, throw some shmeat on the barbie, do a little twerk and show us an endearing belfie drelfie...
November 19th, 2013
@peterdegraaff @gigiz hahaahha I do believe my legacy on this site is being the first plonker
November 19th, 2013
@gigiz you forgot to put your sunnies on...
November 19th, 2013
My gosh I have just learned so much from reading that article.. I might yet be able to keep up with my teenagers' conversations.
@peterdegraaff If we're following the trend/guidance I think perhaps we should make it 'plonkie' or 'plonkerie' to make it more endearing...? :)
November 19th, 2013
I heard that on the news this morning. Very cool!
November 19th, 2013
And following the selfie, the helfie, and so on, I bring you...

the leafie:
November 19th, 2013
Hahaha!!! Now, that it's officially a real word, my kids can no longer make fun of me when I use it. ;-)
November 19th, 2013
@gigiz GiGi, I can get to the link in California just fine! Nice to see it written up and know that it remains okay to use ;-)

The short list is hilarious! I thought "bedroom tax" had a whole different meaning, and now I have to watch out when I use the word twerk, and never never ever eat schmeat!
November 20th, 2013
Watch out for the Drelfie...nice find
D..thanks for the share
November 20th, 2013
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