(6)wordstory winner !!!!

January 27th, 2014
Announcing the winner of the (6)wordstory challenge is
“TO YOU I GIVE THE MOON” by @gazbadger's
Congratulations !!!:)
Due to popular demand of this challenge, i would like to ask @gazbadger if he could continue and host the (6)wordstory (part2).Now, it's all up to him to open a new chapter.
Thank you all who voted and participated. You're all super amazing !:)

January 27th, 2014
Congratulations @gazbadger .This is an awesome shot.
January 27th, 2014
@gazbadger, well done mate! love all these moon shots of yours
Thankyou Joe for a great challenge concept, love the 6wordstories!!!
January 27th, 2014
@gazbadger - congratulations - this image is just awe-inspiring.
January 27th, 2014
Congratulations @gazbadger and thank you Joe for the challenge. Most enjoyable.
January 27th, 2014
congrat's. Yes this was a lovely challenge. Looking forward to #2 of 6wordstories...
January 27th, 2014
Well done @gazbadger!
January 27th, 2014
Well done brilliant
January 27th, 2014
Well done @gazbadger! Just a thought though @joemuli... Maybe it doesn't always have to be 6wordstory perhaps the winner can choose how many words. 1 or 2 wordstory could be interesting.
January 27th, 2014
Congratulations @gazbadger...thanks Joey for starting this challenge....looking forward to the next one!
January 27th, 2014
Congratulations @gazbadger! This was such an amazing shot!
January 27th, 2014
Well done, a worthy winner
January 27th, 2014
@gazbadger congrats and
@dtigani this is a good idea
January 27th, 2014
@gazbadger rules again.
January 27th, 2014
@joemuli @swilde @kali66 @kiwiflora @ubobohobo @brigette @steampowered @wearing0 @dtigani @panthora @taffy @japers45 @annied @padlock

Wow... I am totally blown away... I only caught the tail end of this competition and got an entry in on the last day so I was surprised when it was nominated but really couldn't be more pleased that everyone chose it as their winner! =)

I had much the same idea about changing the number David. But on the other hand, having some element of consistence could be important too. I will wait to hear back off Joey before going forward and if I haven't heard anything by this evening I will just run it as (6)wordstory-2.

January 27th, 2014
@gazbadger Neat idea but can I suggest shortening the tag to sixws-# where # is the number of the competition so yours will be sixws-2 ? Then again, who the fusk am I to make stupid suggestions?
January 27th, 2014
January 27th, 2014
Well done. Loved the story and the amazing image
January 27th, 2014
Congrats! I would suggest a consistent tag. Saw last time two versions. Awesome challenge.
January 27th, 2014
@steampowered @huvesaker @kiwinanna @darylo Thanks all. I agree that a standard tag that can be used going forward with the challenge is needed. I like your idea Paul... so unless @joemuli has any objections I will set the tag as sixws-2 for this challenge and take it from there.
January 27th, 2014
Congratulations, @gazbadger ! I also noticed there were two slightly different versions of the tag. I agree with making sure it is consistent.
January 27th, 2014
@gazbadger Congrats on your winning shot!
And thanks to Joey @joemuli for creating the challenge. It was fun!
January 27th, 2014
@gazbadger yes I totally like sixws-2 for the next challenge !! Go ahead and congrats again;)
January 27th, 2014
@steampowered 100% agree:)
January 27th, 2014
@dtigani cool but if we only used one word then it will look like just a photo title:)it's all up to Gaz now to decide but thank you so much for bringing this up:)
January 27th, 2014
@kimshawball @mara19500 Thank you... I will be uploading soon and will be going with a new tag =)
January 27th, 2014
@gazbadger Fabulous entry ! Congratulations. Looking forward to the next one!
January 27th, 2014
@joemuli Thanks for sharing you creative genius and inspiration with the community!
January 27th, 2014
@kimshawball yes it get mixed up. The other six words is my own personal album for my images but I don't know why some tag it that way. I emphasized to add brackets on the (6) oh we'll,:)
January 27th, 2014
Congratulations. Well worth it and obviously, my shameless attempt at stuffing the ballot box didn't work.
January 27th, 2014
Congratulations - very well deserved and a great challenge.
January 27th, 2014
Congrats! Can't wait for the next installment :)
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