Hard to believe this is even possible!

March 4th, 2014
thanks for sharing Laurie .......I just may visit the falls this weekend!
March 4th, 2014
That is just beautiful !!
March 4th, 2014
Wowsers! Unbelievable!
March 4th, 2014
Great photos. Funny my brother and I were just discussing whether the falls froze this year. I was going to check flikr to see if there were any photos.
March 5th, 2014
Amazing! Thanks for sharing!
March 5th, 2014
So beautiful and the photos are amazing. Makes me want to take an road trip there
March 5th, 2014
March 5th, 2014
@luvmynynix I grew up very near Niagara Falls and know how cold it can get, but this is freaky to me! Made for some awesome photos!
March 5th, 2014
Awesome, Thanks Laurie. Nature the all powerful.
March 5th, 2014
Wow, so beautiful!!
March 5th, 2014
Wow! I'd love to see that in person!
March 5th, 2014
@tabarlett Me too! Living in Africa it is hard to imagine it being so cold that so much water freezes. Incredible. Thanks for sharing Laurie
March 5th, 2014
March 5th, 2014
My daughter and son-in-law just visited the falls, from sunny South Africa, and she said it was so beautiful, all frozen, but oh so cold!!!
March 5th, 2014
Pretty amazing .Nature is really strong .
March 5th, 2014
@luvmynynix Super cool and chill!
March 5th, 2014
It's been so cold here it doesn't surprise me one bit! And weather forecasters are expecting a colder than normal March as well. This has been one loooong winter. Even the Great Lakes are over 90% frozen - you can see a pic here:
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