Canine grooming

March 31st, 2014
Not my cup of tea and I think the poor hounds should be extracted from their doting owners and given a good, normal home (IMHO).

dog grooming photographs

and totally unrelated to photography but very heartwarming, is this doggy film of a rescued, two legged Boxer pup taking his first run on the beach.

two legged Boxer pup having fun on the beach


March 31st, 2014
the dog grooming is just ALL WRONG!!
love the2 legged clip tho, what a cool pup!
March 31st, 2014
@sparkle Hi Juliette. Great to meet you the other day (and I haven't posted that shot of you squatting over the rivulet! :o))

I agree with you re the grooming one. Totally wrong but I found the two legged one very heartwarming and it is so nice to see that he hasn't been written off (and he can get up a real lick of speed too!)
March 31st, 2014
Call the humane society! Poor dogs! Urghhhhhh.
And you friends across the pond need to stop chatting about your meetup.I am purple with jealousy.wahhhhhhhh! Just kidding.kind of. Carry on.i can live vicariously through you,
March 31st, 2014
I can't access the boxer on the beach.will have to try on my pc
March 31st, 2014
I saw a TV programme about these dogs a couple of months ago. It was one of those things that I couldn't stop watching even tho it made me feel slightly nauseous.

The boxer one brings a real lump to the throat doesn't it?
March 31st, 2014
The first one is nasty but the second compensates...
March 31st, 2014
@steampowered i was laughing before i even opened that link becuase i knew how bad it would be. Did not disappoint. better get on with some work
April 1st, 2014
OMG the grooming one is just sick! But the Boxer one is amazing!!!
April 1st, 2014
Just seen the Boxer one on Facebook. Really amazing and wonderful.
April 1st, 2014
Heaven forbid any of my clients should see those clips. I would absolutely refuse to do any such thing to any dog sent to me fro grooming!
Love that Boxer pup, so agile. Love how he seems to use his tail as a rudder and for occasional balance!
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