Why did you begin this project 365?

March 11th, 2011
How had you this idea? How knew you this project?

Personally, it is the friend who me recommended so that I learn and improve in photo. I begin and makes it take every day a photo me made discover new functions but also new regulations.

However, there is an inconvenience: it becomes every day an obsession. But what am I well to be able to photograph today?? It is terrible...
March 11th, 2011
I have a friend on FB who joined a "Project 366" group on there and was capturing "a photo a day for a year and one extra" or something to that effect. Her pics were so inspiring; I looked it up, found the site and started my own in May :)
March 11th, 2011
Someone on FB had started a 365 of gratefulness... i decided i'd do a 365 of happiness... which then morphed into this 365 project and testing my skills!!

I do love it but lately i've not had the insperation i feel i should have!
March 11th, 2011
I'm so glad someone started this website, as it is so cool and very inspiring. A friend of mine from Canada started posting on FB from 365 Project and I inquired. The rest, as they say, is history.
March 11th, 2011
I was bored on New Year's Eve 09-10 and some of my friends were starting it, so I decided to join up never thinking I would stick with it! I found this site either that evening or a couple of days later, can't remember which xD
March 11th, 2011
I asked one of my best friends from childhood to take on the project with me. We grew up in California together, but for the last 10 years we've been 1750 miles apart on average. We see each other every couple years. Our goal is to meet up at the end of the 365 days and take a photo together for the project.

We asked our friends on Facebook who wanted in on the project with us and they responded. Six people in my life started the 365 Project with me on March 1st. We're on day 11 :)

I wanted the chance to document a year of my life in images, and I wanted to share it with people I love. It's a chance to connect with people in my life daily.
March 11th, 2011
I've seen other people doing this project before as I browsed through blogs, but I really didn't think about starting one until a friend of mine did last month. I don't know if she's kept up with her project, but so far, I'm having a blast with it.
March 11th, 2011
My mom was doing it on her iPhone, but I thought it was just an app. (I don't have a smart phone, so I thought I wouldn't be able to participate.) A month or so later, I saw one of my friend's posts on Facebook, and got all excited that I could do it too! Signed up that very night. :-)
March 11th, 2011
I came across this site while I was doind a bit of research into 365 projects.

Over the next 12 months I'll (fingers crossed) be emigrating to Minneapolis from the UK and getting married to the keeper of my heart. With all the practical stuff that needs to be done I wanted a way of recording all the other stuff - reminders, stuff I'll miss, important events...

I'm so glad I joined this site. I've met some very gracious and warm people and, one month in (or thereabouts), I'm having so much fun!
March 11th, 2011
I was bored in December and was searching for photography themes and projects to improve my skills. This popped up somewhere, and I thought it sounded like fun! I even talked my sister @browndog into doing it with me.
March 11th, 2011
Well I am very interested in photography, particularly after being bought a Canon DSLR for Christmas - I just couldn't put it down! lol
I have since dubbed myself Snapper Jack (my actual name is Jackie) and set up a Page via facebook... "SnapperJack Photography" for any who are interested, and a friend commented on there that I might want to give this site a go.
What can I say, it's absolutely amazing, truly inspirational :)
March 11th, 2011
I had heard about 365 projects but did not know about this site. Well, I wanted to do one, but did not want to keep up a blog. My dad told me about this site after my husband and I moved away from my photography inspiration. I needed something re-inspire me. This site is awesome and it totally worked!
March 11th, 2011
I was looking for some projects to take on for 2011 and started off with a daily blog challenge on Wordpress. Then by browsing through others' daily blog posts I saw that someone had mentioned a site called 365 Project. It looked like it would be a lot easier than writing a blog each day and it also catered to by desire to improve my photography. I'm happy that I stumbled onto it because the community here is wonderful, talented, and incredibly supportive.
March 11th, 2011
I'd heard of others doing photo a day projects, or a photo a day blog. I just got my first dSLR camera in January so am still in the learning stages of exposure, composition, etc. I sat down and read lots of books on exposure, close ups, learning how to use all the settings on my camera, etc etc. Joined a Canon forum and someone mentioned a 365 project. So I googled and this one came up.

Being committed to taking a photo every day (well, cheated a few times) forces me to become creative and look at everything as a potential photo.

I'm retired and don't see how people with jobs and kids at home find time for this every day!
March 11th, 2011
My sister told me to. I have to listen to her :s
March 11th, 2011
Sarah @dbsphotography -- This girlie showed me the way. She is pretty fantastic! :o)
March 11th, 2011
One of my friends completed it last year and I found myself looking for her photos every day. I'd been impatiently waiting for January 1st to come around so I could chronicle my year in pictures. I also want to improve my photography skills as I go, and have already invested in a DSLR.
The same friend also inspired about 5 of us, and all but one of us have kept it going!
March 11th, 2011
Saw an old primary school friend who now lives abroad do one in 2010
Thought it looked like fun, so started my own one in the new year
March 11th, 2011
I saw an interview with Ross on our local TV channel because he lives locally, and I felt it was just what I needed to bring a little more structure into my lifelong habit of taking photographs every day. It has already helped me to break out of the rut of showing things exactly as they are, and becoming a little more adventurous, although I still try to photograph only those things that have a story to tell.
March 11th, 2011
my close friend, a professional photographer, started doing her project, but on FB only. I was curious about it and she told me what it was. I started the end of April last year. It has been the most amazing experience in so many ways.
March 11th, 2011
One of my friends, who knows I love photography, sent me a link before Christmas. I was too busy to look into it and deleted the link. The next time we got together, she encouraged me again....sending another link. This time, I took the time to look at 365Project and jumped right it. I'm so thankful to my friend Anita for encouraging me. I'm having a lot of fun finding my skills again. Thanks!
March 11th, 2011
one of my friends had joined this and told me to do so as well. i had started contemplating doing my own 365 project anyways... and this seems to make it alot easier. so i said 'sure thing!' and got an account here *nods*
March 12th, 2011
I knew of 365 through my friends who joined up just before myself. I wasn't going to join at first as I didn't think I had the commitment but I've really surprised myself. I wanted to do it so I could get better at photography and everyone on here has been so helpful. Now I'm so glad I did it.
March 12th, 2011
A friend told me about it, and they he prompty left after a week!
March 12th, 2011
I've always loved photography and had been given a beautiful camera. I wanted to do and learn with it... but all of that was very theoretical. Then, one glorious day, my lovely cousin, @cfitzgerald, posted her first few pictures for the 365 project on Facebook. I checked it out and was smitten with the idea, the ease, and, most of all, the community. I still love it for all of this and I am learning SO much and becoming even more "at one" with my camera. Thanks, Courtney and thank you to ALL of you for being you and being a part of this!
March 12th, 2011
I found out about this project in a random Internet search. I looked at it off and on for a week or two, and then decided to join on December 31, 2010. That is the start of the story. This project has taken me so far! Thank you 365 and 365ers!
March 12th, 2011
Follow my friend @edvardt here
March 12th, 2011
I saw a friend on Facebook doing the project as a journal of sorts, and i thought it would be fun. I started it on Facebook only for about a month, then was researching ideas for photos when i found this website. i joined, and became obsessed instantly! it is my most visited website..spend so much free time on this site. i love it!! :)
March 12th, 2011
My cousin started doing it on new Years. I saw her posts on fb and did an internet search for 365 Project and this was the first link I clicked on! I've been happily taking photos everyday since.
March 12th, 2011
A friend asked if I wanted to do it along with her and some others in a private 365 FB group. There are only a few of of us left still actually doing it. I searched for this website and joined. So glad I did, I've been so inspired!
March 12th, 2011
I wanted to find something that prompted me to pick up my camera every day. Googled "365 projects" and here I am :-)
March 12th, 2011
In 2010 I started what I thought was a completely original idea and took a photo each day, wrote a haiku and posted in on a blog:
During my year, someone told me about 365. When 2010 ended and 2011 began I did not take a photo-a-day to start with and after a week or two I felt something was missing so I joined the 365 community and I haven't looked back since. I'm loving it. Having a camera on hand every day makes me look at life and my day in detail which is so enriching.
March 12th, 2011
Just wanted a daily memory of one year from my life. Not photographicly high standard like my photoblog, but just every day pics, with the iPhone taken...
March 12th, 2011
@cdivino - what a lovely story about your 365 experience. Mine is much more prosaic; I was invited by a friend.
March 12th, 2011
there are a couple reasons I started doing my 365. I have been unemployed for over 2 years now (one of those years I was out of the country though) and needed something to keep me entertained while I look for a job. I had heard the concept of 365 projects; "Julie to Julia", the woman who bought a dress a day, this guy who wrote a blog a day about someone he was thankful for, a photo a day. I knew I wanted to do something but wasn't sure what.

I have always loved photography and usually take photos everywhere I go anyway. So, I thought, "Why not take a photo a day?" I started by adding a new photo to my blog each day. Then, I googled to see if such a community as this existed. This website sure has helped me make sure I keep going and all your encouraging comments motivate me too.

The other reason I decided to do this was to get good practice. My camera is just an ol' point-and-shoot but it works for now. That is, til someone gifts me with a DSLR or I can finally get a job and save up for one.
March 12th, 2011
A friend of mine posted a 365 photo on Facebook just after new year - the first one they'd uploaded to the site - which is how I found out about it.

I loved the idea, and have always enjoyed taking photos, so I thought I'd give it a go. I'm not always very good at sticking with 'resolutions' - so I'm delighted to find that over 2 months in, I'm still posting a photo every day (unlike the friend who originally showed me the way, who stopped after that one first shot!)
March 12th, 2011
I saw a sort-of friend posting links via the facebook app, so I looked into it and didn't get round to actually starting for a while, even though I liked the idea. But then I was having a bit of a rubbish time and this was something that was mine and the person causing me trouble couldn't interfere with and it made me happy. And then I found friends on here too, so it's just great.
March 12th, 2011
A NYE resolution to become a better photographer. I try hard to document my life but it isn't that interesting sometimes! Haha.
March 12th, 2011
A friend of mine from a socialising website had a link to this website,on her profile.
I checked it out,and it fellt like it was the challenge I was waiting for.
Before that,I wasn`t really that into photography.
March 12th, 2011
I saw someone's journal on deviantart about it and it looked like such a great idea, so thought I'd give it a go.
March 12th, 2011
Years ago I attempted a 365 on flickr but only managed to get up to Day 63 or something. Then this year Rache (@flamez) started a 365 Project on facebook and I thought I would try again so I googled and came across here and so I let Rache know about here and then in turn Kirsty (@kirsty1975 ) and Lisa (@lisahutchinson) came over here. I'm just gutted I don't get enough time to spend over here.
March 12th, 2011
follow my wife Tinarosa
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