The Northern Lights

March 25th, 2011
I just had this forwarded onto me and thought it might be of interest to others. The Northern Lights are on my "things to photograph" list so I loved this video - which is actually 22 000 photos.


March 25th, 2011
Strange keeps linking back to here...
but here it is..
and WOWA...
March 25th, 2011
Oh my that is stunning. Thank you for sharing.
March 25th, 2011
The Northern Lights are on my "to photograph list" as well- so thanks for sharing this link- AMAZING!
March 25th, 2011
On my list, too! And a moose! I'm going to Alaska for my honeymoon. :) This is amazing!
March 25th, 2011
That was great - thanks for sharing - loved the music, too! :o)
March 26th, 2011
Inspiring . . . one day, maybe :-/
March 26th, 2011
Thanks for this :-) - definitely on my TO DO list! - have always wanted to experience the natural light-show of the Northern Lights in person ... the closest I've got to date is seeing the colours of the changing midsummer sky in the northern region ( - wrong season and too far south :-) ... will have to try again further north (latitutes 65-72) between November and March - it's going to be cold up there! - previous northern travels to Tronheim @ 63 latitude in winter season in 1988 were Aurora-less :-()
March 26th, 2011
Thanks, I spent 10 years in North Pole watching the Northern Lights.There is no other way to explain it to others except like this. :)
They are suppose to bring fertility to those who see

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