Other photos

April 1st, 2011

I feel sometimes deprived to be able to publish only a photo a day especially when I make several pictures. Furthermore for the same subject, I do not sometimes know whom to choose. I have create this page on facebook.

I would like that you watch it and saying to me that you think of it and why not of clicking on " I like".


And you? Have you sites, blogs or pages facebook where I could see your other pictures?

I am sincerely curious to know it more on you.

April 1st, 2011
You really should buy an Ace member: you can have 3 albums per day!!!
I do have a photo blog: http://aparisouailleurs.canalblog.com/
April 1st, 2011
off to have a look at yours and like it :)

this is me :

April 1st, 2011
Already liked your page @flamez , the other day. Liked yours just now @libellula and had a nosey at yours @parisouailleurs. I do love looking at other people's work.. then wonder where all my time went haha

Any extra bits of mine, I usually put over on here: http://www.lilbumblebee.co.uk/
April 1st, 2011
I don't put a lot of my "normal" photos up on on my business site but you can add me if you like

its www.facebook.com/silverhorn and www.facebook.com/proffittphotography
April 1st, 2011
April 1st, 2011
I'm at proudrhrshipper-photos.blogspot.com
April 2nd, 2011
I use Deviantart and blogger
(Yet I draw more than take pictures lol) http://shelbstercake.deviantart.com/ (only photography and junk) http://suomiiiii.deviantart.com/ (art of anysort)
regular blog http://shelbsterberwald.blogspot.com/
I post anything there...:)
April 2nd, 2011
I post more in my "rejects" album (Challenges) because, well, I don't have time for challenges :P

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