The Unofficial 365 Critique Club

February 13th, 2013
Evening Y'all

So this is an idea I floated with a couple of other 365'ers, about creating a Flickr Critique Group. So, this is basically a group where you can submit shots that you wish to be critiqued, not necessarily any of your 365 shots, just anything you have taken.

And we can, you know, critique and stuff. Anyway should you wish to join the URL is below, peace out mutha's

EDIT : To get things started I have added my 365 shot from today, so bring the pain :)

February 13th, 2013
I joined!
February 13th, 2013
OK, but if I get butt hurt I am LEAVING!

February 13th, 2013
Ugh - I want in - but I am sooooo behind on Flickr... Ok - will try to find a few minutes to sign up tonight
February 13th, 2013
Oh the things I could say to that ;)

February 13th, 2013

February 13th, 2013
is this for the long standing members or people like me, novice and all .
February 13th, 2013

Nice! I knew I liked you for a reason ;)
February 13th, 2013
I applied ... :-)

Jase, do you have to be a member in good standing here? I know someone who left a while back who might be interested, gives good critique too.
February 13th, 2013
For anyone who either has an opinion, or takes photographs, or hell even both :)

February 13th, 2013
Yep, past, present, friends of etc.

February 13th, 2013
Excellent - I feel everyone is entitled to my opinion ;p
February 13th, 2013
@jase_h wonderful.. i especially would like future b&w shots critiqued. thank you.
February 13th, 2013

February 13th, 2013
Oh I so look forward to this. I signed up.
February 13th, 2013
@northy Yes, Yes we are=P
February 14th, 2013
Yeah cool.. think I will join. I've been pretty slack on the Flickr front lately, so this might give me a kick up the bum.
February 14th, 2013
ok - so how come everyone else gets to just sign up but i have to wait for an invite?
February 14th, 2013
oh - and since i'm asking stupid questions - is there an "official" 365 critique club?

slinking away now to etsooi today's shot into submission
February 14th, 2013
im excited! maybe this will get me a lil more active on flickr
February 14th, 2013
@northy Hee hee. I think people used to always tell everyone to use the "critique-me" tag, but I think there was a stretch where I was the only person doing it ... and no one ever 'dropped by' to critique. Maybe I'll have to join Flickr now ...
February 14th, 2013
Sure! I'll give it a try:)
February 14th, 2013
Just sent my request. Would love to be part of the group, I welcome all the help I can get.
February 14th, 2013
Nice idea, i Hope i can join in.
February 14th, 2013
Gosh, i just signed up to Flickr especially for this club
February 14th, 2013
p.s. love that administrators are called Gods :) there is a whole new world of flickr to explore!
February 14th, 2013
I'm tempted to ban you already :P

February 14th, 2013
You can set the administrator names to what you like, not that I have ego you understand ;)

February 14th, 2013
@jase_h oh i see! lol :) nicely done
February 14th, 2013
I'll try. Sounds like a good idea
February 14th, 2013
Sounds great! It seems like a natural offshoot. I'm surprised this community hadn't already done this.
February 14th, 2013
Im In
February 14th, 2013
I just joined too :)
February 14th, 2013
Let's be constructive and not personal. But I agree, "Nice shot" or "Beautiful capture" is not what we are after here, right?
February 14th, 2013
Great idea Jase. I requested to join.
February 14th, 2013
WOW!!! You let me in???? Oh this should be fun. @jase_h
February 14th, 2013
Why wouldn't I? :)

February 14th, 2013
Hmmmm.....I have a wierd side...LOL
February 14th, 2013
And yet, we still accept you :P

February 14th, 2013
I just sent in my request. I agree with Frank. I want to improve my photography and constructive critiques (giving and receiving) will help.
February 19th, 2013
Sent in a request too Jase, would like to get constructive criticism on work :)
February 19th, 2013
I didn't see a request to join the group, so I sent you one :)

February 20th, 2013
@aprilmilani Love how that rabbit is just kind of peering out. It's like he's thinking "Is it safe to come out yet, or are all those nasty people going to say mean things about my photos?"
February 21st, 2013
I sent a request to join the group. I'm not very connected at 365 yet (I'm still kind of new) - and I'm trying to get more connected! :-)
February 21st, 2013
Hi Toni, I can't see a request, unless another admin approved it, what is your Flickr username so I can take a look

February 21st, 2013
February 21st, 2013
Apparently not on Flickr it's not, send me a link to your photostream there and will do it that way

February 21st, 2013
@jase_h it shows my username as tavly on my end at flickr - can you tell me what it shows up as on your end?
February 21st, 2013
That was weird, if I used the group search function it didn't find you, but in the regular Flickr search it did. Anyway, you should have an invite now

February 21st, 2013
@jase_h no invite. tells me my request to join is still waiting for moderation. sheesh. i'm a pain.
February 21st, 2013
Ha, think it is now sorted :)

February 21st, 2013
@jase_h Got it! thanks!!!
February 21st, 2013
Yay :)

March 3rd, 2013
@aprilmilani Did you train Mr. Bunny to peek around corners or is he a natural? :)
March 13th, 2013
@jase_h Can you at least dump me out of the group please? The halfwits at yahpoo have ensured I can't even log in to my account, and there's no point cluttering the group with dead accounts.
March 13th, 2013
sounds fun, just sent an invite request :) thanks
March 15th, 2013
@jase_h Where did you go?
March 16th, 2013
OK call me dumb but when I first joined 365 I thought that was what we were supposed to doing here on this site??
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