Reflection Critique Requested - Do's and Don'ts?

January 5th, 2014
I love photos that feature reflections, particularly water reflections, and would like to get some input and tips. Most reflection shots that I see show the original object and the reflection. But in this photo, the original object was far away and all I was able to show was the reflection itself. I don't really have a feel as to whether this is a good photo or not. Are there do's and don'ts as far as reflections go?

January 5th, 2014
Guess my only tip would be to get as close to ground level as possible... Here's a couple where I either rested the camera on the ground or held it a inch or two above..

January 5th, 2014
I think it all depends on the subject. I usually include the object with the reflection, but I usually shoot large, open spaces. I've seen some FANTASTIC images that are reflection alone.
January 5th, 2014
i think reflection shots tend to work better when the water is clear (meaning no plant life or anything floating about)... i agree with @grizzlysghost that a reflection on its own can absolutely work... many will flip the image to give it a sense of rightness that isn't quite right (because the reflection tends to be a bit distorted) and this can create tremendous interest and give the image a painterly feel....

here's an example by @amandal

January 5th, 2014
My tip is to decide if you want to be in the shot or not - I am getting better at getting angles to avoid me/my shadow or make sure I am centre stage; like this selfie in a bauble
January 5th, 2014
The tips I can offer is if you are photographing still water try to do it early in the morning when the wind is less or non existent. This will give you the a mirror like surface. Also have the direct light on your subject not the water as it will give you glare.
January 5th, 2014

Sometimes it is more interesting without seeing the subject but smooth water is important then.
January 5th, 2014

Here is one I did but, of course, edited, but I did not flip it.
January 5th, 2014

Here is another that I did flip. I love to take reflection photographs!
January 5th, 2014
@grammyn I agree! As in my second pic.
January 5th, 2014
I posted a reflection photograph today and you only see the reflection. the reflection is of a building that is across the street reflecting on a mirrored building called "Hall of Mirrors." In this situation it works nicely. With reflections in water I like to see the original image as well.
January 5th, 2014
@stray_shooter Thanks Ron for starting this thread, great advice in the replies. Must have a go at a reflective shot soon.:)
January 5th, 2014
I agree the image determines the composition and crop, but it can still be a challenge to know the percentage of image & reflection to include.
January 5th, 2014
I love reflections as I think they can add a surrealness to a photo, one tip is to use manual focus, especially with puddles

another is to look in windows (derelict buildings obviously) as the textures of windows can sometimes add something to a photo too

and do plenty of flipping and post processing
January 5th, 2014
I like the flipped reflections that look like paintings.

and crystal balls, those are fun until you drop it and it hits a rock

January 5th, 2014
Not done any refection shots for a while, I always try and get a perfect identical reflection. but

January 5th, 2014
Wow, some great inspirational shots here. I really appreciate all the responses and advice. Now, to take action on some of those.....
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