This may sound elementary but...looking through 365...

January 23rd, 2012
I find that if I don't go on the site at least 3 times a day, I feel so behind in viewing and commenting on pix. And, maybe I'm going about this the wrong way but, when I view them, I go to the home page and check out the thumbnail and initial narrative (if any) and then click on the thumbnail to go to the actual post on someone's album. However, if I hit my back button, it takes me to the top of the home page again and I have to scroll through all the thumbnails I just looked through. Does anyone know of a better way to look though the posts and a way to go "back" from someone's album to the home page to the place where you left off?

I hope this makes if you can! Thanks.
January 23rd, 2012
I know what you's maddening!
January 23rd, 2012
Scroll down to where you last stopped. Right click on the thumbnail and create a new tab. View the photo, close the tab, rinse, lather, repeat.
January 23rd, 2012
You can always open a new tab to look at it, or use Chrome, it will automatically take you back to where you were :-)
January 23rd, 2012
yes right click ----> open in new window , then all you have to do after browsing/commenting is close the window and you are back where you left off :)
January 23rd, 2012
If you hold ctrl when you click a link, it will open the page in a new tab. You can make your comment and then close the tab. this way you don't lose your place. Hope this helps. @shutterbugger
January 23rd, 2012
yep, what they said...right click and open in a new tab. eventually, you'll have people that you just naturally check on every day, and you can browse your newsfeed with ease afterward. :)
January 23rd, 2012
@webfoot @asrai --- Thanks SO much!!! I just tried it and I see what you mean! I knew there had to be an easier way. I'm glad I asked.

@shutterbugger -- try works!

@amz87 -- I don't know what Chrome is.
January 23rd, 2012
Holding ctrl will open it in an open link, as will clicking on the link with the scrolly wheely thing on your mouse, the thing between the two buttons :)
January 23rd, 2012
@debsphotos -- Chrome = googles browser, like firefox and internet explorer...but ramped up. LOL
January 23rd, 2012
@debsphotos Internet browser like IE and Firefox.
January 23rd, 2012
I think I had heard this once a long time ago before I knew what it meant . Now that I know I am SOOO glad you asked, Debbie. It has been giving me fits and once agian the community has come to the rescue! Thanks everyone!
January 23rd, 2012
GENIUS!! I would have never thought to ask if there was an easier way, I just thought that's the way it was. Awesome...thanks guys!
@webfoot @asrai @egad @sdpace @pocketmouse @debsphotos
January 23rd, 2012
@egad @sdpace -- I've been on 365 for a while so felt kinda silly asking but glad I did.

@pocketmouse -- No mouse. I work on a laptop generally without one.

@mainebrighteyes @amz87 -- I use Internet Explorer.
January 23rd, 2012
Thank you for asking this! I can't believe it never occurred to me that there might be an easier way. Duh! Life on here just got much easier.
January 23rd, 2012
@debsphotos -- I find Firefox is a lot better with regard to tabs and if you lose your connection, it's easy to maintain the most recently open tabs!
January 23rd, 2012
@debsphotos Then Ctrl + click will be your best option :)
January 23rd, 2012
Yep--just open a zillion tabs and they are all there waiting for you---no waiting for loading, no going back and forth. It does save a lot of time! If you have a MAC, you have to hit the apple key (instead of control) and click on the thumbnail. Easy! :-) Chrome is the best, I have found, for this. It's so lightweight and loads quickly.
January 23rd, 2012
@shutterbugger @grammyn @lisjam1 @pocketmouse -- Then I'm really glad I asked. I thought maybe I was the only one that didn't know. It sounds like it's just basic computer skills which, obviously, I didn't realize existed! Silly me. Glad to help those that needed to know,too.

@5unflow3r --No MAC. I'm an HP girl. :-)
January 23rd, 2012
If you ever get a real mouse (vs a laptop integrated one) can click the wheel on the link and that does the same thing as ctrl+click thanks to @eyebrows for that tip!
January 23rd, 2012
@shadesofgrey -- I use a mouse occasionally so, when I do, will give it a whirl. I'm so used to the touchpad now, I'm good with that. :-)
January 23rd, 2012
Glad you asked this question! I was thinking there had to be an easier way.
January 23rd, 2012
@debsphotos SO grateful you asked this question, I've been frustrated w/ this too but didn't consider there might be a solution.
@webfoot @asrai thank you, thank you, thank you!
January 23rd, 2012
Now my next challenge is to keep up without feeling like I need to be on here 3 times a day or more!
January 23rd, 2012
Dang, this is confusing. I am trying not to follow too many people. It makes it a lot easier but I miss so much and keep adding people. I love this site but can be time consuming. I will have to go back on what all that was said and figure out what I need to do. I see above about opening tabs and I do that all of the time so I do that and can go back and forth between different things. The easiest for me. Makes sense?
January 23rd, 2012
Whoa, did not know that! Thanks @eyebrows for the tip and thank you @shadesofgrey for passing it along!
January 23rd, 2012
@debsphotos I've been wondering the same thing! Thanks to everyone for the tips...I'll be opening new windows from now on!

To follow from this, does anyone have a tip for doing this when you access the site through a mobile device though? I often check uploads when I'm out and about, but same thing, when I hit the back arrow on the browser (I have an iphone4 and use safari) it also takes me to the top of the page... any suggestions are greatly appreciated, other than the obvious one of waiting until I'm back at the computer ;)
January 23rd, 2012
oh, i feel so stupid for not ever asking this or thinking of how to do it myself; thank you SO much @debsphotos - I've had to keep the # I follow low enough to actually manage because I try to see their posts every day and it takes me just ages - this should help a lot.
January 23rd, 2012
So to summarise:

1. Never use internet exploder, use Firefox (the long standing #1 independent browser) or Chrome (created by Google and steadily rising in popularity) as they're much smarter and will scroll back where you were anyway (if you give the site time to reload all its content, note) along with just being quicker in general and very non-shit, unlike internet explorer which is a pure and total heap of shit.
2. If you're being annoyed by some perceived inefficiency with some aspect of your computer, there's probably a solution out there already, and it's just a case of searching/asking in the right place, and knowing how to search for the answer.
January 23rd, 2012
@debsphotos I've had to stop doing it that way as I found it frustrating even though I am on Firefox or Safari ...I still end up getting lost .Now I click on 'friends' and work my way down the list. If I know the person has more than one album I try to click on the album thingy and see if they've uploaded anything in their new albums.

I don't think you can see everything everyone posts, I just do my best.
January 23rd, 2012
using the command or control key [or wheel] is faster than right clicking. i open 30 or 40 tabs at a time, with just one click each. i still get comments from people who have only looked at the thumbnail so maybe this discussion will change that. good question and thread. and further to @eyebrows comments, safari works well too, if you have a mac.
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