Developing Your Photographic Style

February 5th, 2012
I am struggling to find my style, after reading a few articles online giving tips on how to find your style I am left frustrated and confused.

Is this something you have to work on or does it come naturally? What did you do to find your style?

Looking back over my project so far, I can see I don't step out my litlle box that much and my photos are starting to look same, same to me.

I could tell you it's because I have kids, a job and a family to deal with.That is just a bunch of excuses that hide the fact I am feeling intimidated by this very complex hobby.
February 5th, 2012
But ask yourself, do we really have to have a particular style? We all go through phases of different things we're 'into'. I love your graphic art images, but also your landscapes. Should you really 'box yourself in'? : )
February 5th, 2012
Just let it happen naturally, then you won't get tied to one idea. The way I work is not to think about the picture I am going to take, but the words I would use to describe what I see ... and the image just somehow emerges, complete with caption, every time.
February 5th, 2012
@wordpixman Arthur, do you mean how you would describe it to someone who perhaps can't actually see it?
February 5th, 2012
I try to find what I would like hanging on the wall but I really want to take casual portraits of older people. I love the B&W images of people with wrinkles and signs of wear. So while my project looks like one thing my mind wants to go a different direction.
February 5th, 2012
@ozziehoffy ... That, exactly, but also the unwritten script which you will follow while composing and shooting the scene. Both can ocur simultaneously and instantaneously.
February 5th, 2012
@lorraineb I do agree with that to some extent. I don't mean that I want to be boxed into 1 specific style, it's more about finding a couple of styles that you learn to expand your skills in.
I don't know lol I have always been the type of person that just picks something and learns the ins and outs as much as I can. I feel like I am flitting and just snapping off shots now and it's only the start of month 2.
I am probably just a control freak LOL
February 5th, 2012
@wordpixman That's very deep Arthur, I try to plan almost everyday. I get very frustrated when it doesn't turn out the way I want. Going with the flow doesn't come naturally to me.
February 5th, 2012
@simplysnapped I think i have developed a style over the time. I still have not added a portrait or a candid shot to the project but i love them.

here is a link to my FB album on faces and moods. Have a look at this
February 5th, 2012
@simplysnapped Oh I wouldn't say control freak, lol, maybe just trying too hard too soon. I will reiterate that your graphic images are great, I would like to see more of that in your project, its inspirational to me. : ))
February 5th, 2012
I don't think I have a style, in photography or in any of the other creative activities I do.
I'm much more interested in trying new and different ways of doing things than in trying to make my work conform to some kind of 'style'.
if you are looking for suggestions on how to get past feeling intimidated, my advice would be just to play! There's so much inspiration on here, why not pick an aspect of photograpy you have never tried before and just have a go, you know, try sports (local team? kids playing on bikes, joggers in the park) or street shots, or whatever. Remember, no-one needs to see the results but you, unless you choose to post them. Good luck but mostly, have fun! :-)
February 5th, 2012
@lorraineb Thanks Lorraine. Will surely have them soon.
February 5th, 2012
@dirtyangel Shivam when I click your link it says it id expired.

@lorraineb Thanks Lorraine I do enjoy the graphics though sometimes I feel as thought it isn't real photography.

@jenirainbow Thanks Jeni I might make it my mission and create a list of different things to try :)
February 5th, 2012
@wordpixman Thanks. I will take that and see what I can do with it. I quite often end up with something different from what I set out to do... so, let's see what can become of it now :)
February 5th, 2012
@simplysnapped Sorry, I disagree with with you there, it is photography, and if someone (me included) like/loves the image then its even better!! I still love your nail varnish one : ))
February 5th, 2012
@simplysnapped Dont know whats happening even i tried to see it its not showing up. take this link its to my profile
then go to photos and there is an album by the name faces and moods. Have a loo otherwise add me on FB cos i tried changing the privacy settings but its not even going then
February 5th, 2012
Shoot what you love - that may change in the future, but if you always follow your heart, it will always be YOUR style.
February 5th, 2012
the more you push yourself to find a style the more frustrated you will become! instead of trying to choose your style, push your self to try different things and new things, you will gravitate to what you love!
February 5th, 2012

Exactly this!
February 5th, 2012
I am eclectic meaning I haven't had enough experience to even consider a particular style. Right now, I just have fun with photography. I figure style will come in time and in its own way!
February 5th, 2012
style is over-rated... take pictures, enjoy the ones you like but most of all have fun :)
February 5th, 2012
Apparently my followers tell me I have a very distinctive style...they know that a posted photo is mine. A few of the guys I follw are the same. I don't know what it is I do (i don't "see" my style) but i guess the way I compose photos and then edit are telling. Of the people I folllow who are distinctive - it is often the nature of their picture, the way they edit or the types of colours they use that make them distinctive. I guess we all develop a preference over time to subjects / editing techniques / etc which become our footprint. Keep doing what you do and eventually you'll find the thing that you like / are good at doing and I guess you'll be there!
February 5th, 2012
@sparkle I agree with Juliette! I've been told I have a style and I'm starting to see it also. I to flick through my album or view the whole monthly photolog and think" they all look the same" but they aren't.
I'm trying to break out of my comfort zone and try new things but I'm being drawn back to the same style again and again. I think we have to run with what appeals at the time! Have fun!!!
February 5th, 2012
Explore. Be open, be yourself, be true and your style will find you.
February 5th, 2012
your style is just that a style, as with clothes you start with something that looks OK you find things that work together you accessorize you find some things are great and somethings are hideous and one day you look at yourself and think wow that really works, and that is your style. No one ever starts off with a style it is a fluid thing, it grows and adapts with everything you learn, of course you have to make a lot of mistakes before you get it bang on but thats all part of the fun :D
February 5th, 2012
@simplysnapped If you think your photos look the same, they might just be your style and that's perfect, no? I love some style of pics but I just can't do them or don't even think of doing them, I guess they don't fit my personnality.
February 5th, 2012
I think a photographic style is an ever-changing thing. For me, I have gone from one style to another over the years, and still I sit here thinking about how I could improve and continue to make my work 'mine.' That being said, I am always trying to figure out what *I* like, because really, that's all that matters :)
February 5th, 2012
The style question is often on my kind too, but then again inask myself what creates the fun of making pictures. I dont always know. Im not very creatve. I shoot things i see and love SOOC. I guess the most important questions is: why do you photography. Do you want to be recognised. Is your own fun most important. Actually, for me, as long as i like what im satisfied. And what others think of it., well..its nice to have compliments. But still my fum prevails
February 5th, 2012
It can't be said enough, practice, practice, practice. Don't be afraid to try new things and you'll soon find that you've got your own style
February 5th, 2012
I agree Shoot what you love and interest you. I live in the country and have lots of animals so i tend to shoot alot of those and country scenes and if you shoot what you love it will come naturally and if its something your familiar with you will be able to look at the picture and see yourself whats wrong with it and be able to expand outside that. I agree with Arthur about making a description before you shoot. ok its kind of hard to explain but the way I do it..If I see a standing object I think of a caption for that photo before I shoot and then it seems to just come to me even when my animals do something funny it just comes naturally that a caption will pop into my head for instances I have posted recently a picture of one of my horses muzzle as he was yawning and it looked like he was laughing so my caption was "The Laughing Horse" My teenage kids do this project too and were complaining "There is nothing to take pictures of and I explained how I do it with making a caption first and they were really surprised at how well that works and they have taken some awesome photos by doing it this way. I am by NO means a professional and have been learning alot by doing this project It is so much fun. Sorry I hope I havent rambled too much. Dont give up just shoot the things you love :)
February 5th, 2012
I don't think you should have to develop any style.Photography is about trying new things everyday.I also don't have a style or maybe.But love to do & learn new things....

So just don't waste time....Take photos you'll develop your own style naturally ;)
February 5th, 2012
In your profile you said that you're just beginning photography as a hobby. In my opinion, it takes a lot of exploration to find the style that suites you. After almost a year, I've learned so much about technicalities of photography, but I still don't see a dscernable style developing yet.
February 5th, 2012
You will also find that your style will really change over time as well. Right now, my style is a lot of color, use of the environment, contrasty images. That's kind of been my style for the last year or two. But when I compare some of my images from last year to this year, I can see where I really grew a lot and where my photography style has taken me.

I used to LOVE to do HDR and then I kind of fell off of that style for a while, because my interests took me elsewhere.

But here is the type or style that I really love to shoot. I love to use the environment. The ugliest field can turn in to a photographers dream!

I really like a lot of color, warmth, a lot of depth, contrast and environment. I really think the more you shoot, the more you will start to see what your preferences are and what your style will be come.

February 7th, 2012
Maybe it'll just take you a bit longer than you want because you are SO creative!!!!!! Some people just do not belong in boxes. Let your style be whatever it wants to be each day. I hope to find my particular style one day, but since I am still learning I know it will take a lot of time, if it happens :)
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