losing followers?

February 19th, 2012
I;m putting up some of my best stuff and I'm losing 1 or 2 followers each day, Today was 2. I've lost almost 20 in the last 2 weeks.

Just getting very frustrating as I feel that my photos are chasing people away.
February 19th, 2012
Your photos are great, that can't be the reason!
February 19th, 2012
I agree with Jessica.
February 19th, 2012
Hm, your photos are so good, I can't imagine that being the reason. The only reason I've unfollowed people is because I've noticed they haven't uploaded in awhile.
February 19th, 2012
Nope, your photos are definitely great. Maybe people are dropping off because they are following too many.
February 19th, 2012
Perhaps Ross is doing a clearout of dead accounts again?
February 19th, 2012
I can't believe that either. Your photos are beautiful. I wonder if there is a problem with the site? I wonder if anyone else is losing people. I should look closer at mine. I don't think to check my numbers often.
February 19th, 2012
the ebb and flow of 365 is that you will have a shit load of followers and then none..
some reasons for losing followers are as followed
they have finished their year.
they stopped for what ever reasons,
they are busy,
different seasons, in summer people are out doors more.
different time zones, will mean that they might miss your upload and then not get to see your shots .
never think that its your shots that are driving people away.

plus this project is for you, not your followers.. so if someone dosent like your phots.. who cares????
February 19th, 2012
Joseph, you have over 1,000 followers. I have 83. What is it about losing two or three that bothers you so much? Your photography is wonderful so that can't be the reason. Be grateful for the many you have and don't obsess about the ones that no longer follow. No one can please everyone all the time!
February 19th, 2012
a) your stuff was ace last time I looked
b) people who haven't been on here for a while get deleted, maybe there's been some spring cleaning recently
c) although it's bad, build a small group of people whose work you love and keep up with them, like a mini community of your own. I figured about 30-70 was about right and I'm struggling to keep up with 53 so if you've got big numbers how can you love them all?
d) lots of new blood around since January, competition, maybe do something radically different to gain new followers?
February 19th, 2012
So you're losing 0.1% of your followers and...
February 19th, 2012
@jml0306 I wouldn't worry about it Joseph!! Your work is beautiful and everyone knows that. Just keep doing what you're doing. I think some people quit following for some reason or other but don't let that get you down. As long as you enjoy what you're doing and are proud of you photos that's all that really counts. I know the follows, comments and FAVs make it fun though. I like that too!! Just keep posting!!!
February 19th, 2012
Do you really keep track???
February 19th, 2012
I enjoy your photoes keep posting
February 19th, 2012
As many have mentioned above I stop following people when they haven't posted for a while. . . it is hard to follow and comment on a large amount of people - so I stick with the people who watch me or someone who really wow's me.
February 19th, 2012
I've not lost followers, but I don't get so many people looking at my photos these days....I'm fairly new, started January 1st. Got a lot of viewers to start with, and now only 20 or so a day, which is totally fine but a shame my photos are viewed by so few. I guess it's because there are just so many people on here now.

Still love the site tho !
February 19th, 2012
Your shots are awesome, people finishing thier projects maybe?
February 19th, 2012
We have all lost a lot of followers but I have gained at least 30 new followers thank god for winter season lol so just keep up your work and they will find you lots of new people :)
February 19th, 2012
@chewyteeth I agree with you on this, keep a manageable group of people that you follow, otherwise, (for me at least i work six days a week), its gets way to hard, I would love to comment on everyones work but don't have the time, so I expect to lose followers, its a give and take community.
February 19th, 2012
@jml0306 Nah. If this sounds negative, it is actually a slam to the "photo tricksters" that have inundated this site... You could post an Ansel Adams image on here, and most would never look at it. However, if you Photoshopped a person on the top of Half Dome doing Yoga, it would get 500 hits. Or, shoot a hundred Water Drop shots, and you are in "The Club" of Digi-heads that snap 800 shots and keep 4.

Keep doing what you're doing. It's real. I just stated following you, because you do good photography, from the heart, not the computer. Please don't change that. if you do, then you've been "sucked in" to the fake world of computer photography. I'd like to see 10 of the water drop and bokeh-meisters shoot a roll of color reversal film and get every shot perfect.

P.S. to anyone who doesn't care about my comment...Yes, I call em like I see em, peeps. It's called Freedom of Speech. If you don't like it, have a great day and keep doing what you do to your hearts content.
February 19th, 2012
I've had some disappear and can't figure out why... when I tried going to their pages, their gone. No warning either, so I'm not sure what's happened.
February 19th, 2012
This is an old discussion thread but very cool! http://365project.org/discuss/general/1647/dead-followers
February 19th, 2012
I just went to yours and it shows I'm not following you, but I know I used to be. I never unfollowed you (I haven't unfollowed anyone)... so this just makes some of what has happened in the last week seem even more odd. Re-following....
February 19th, 2012
@cluvlj I find it impressive when people can do BOTH... since shooting with the camera and getting the settings right to get the shot right from the get go takes just as much skill and art as taking an image and post processing it into another form of art. Photography IS art... Some people prefer Monet, some prefer Picasso, some prefer Michaelangelo, etc. Just because you don't prefer one art style does not make it inferior.

Sorry if you don't like the reply... don't take it personal. Just calling em like I see em as well ;)
February 19th, 2012
@eyebrows there you are!!! :)
February 19th, 2012
Like Jeff said above, I know a few people who have said they didn't unfollow someone else but discovered they are not following them anymore. Maybe some kind of glitch happens now and then.
February 19th, 2012
Listen to Katy and some of the others...you are doing this for yourself...enjoy it....
February 19th, 2012
Im sure its not bc of your work, its wonderful. I havent lost any followers but I notice I have less comments. I try to comment on as many as I can each day. I have noticed comments have dropped off but that could be for numerous reasons. I try to follow those who take great photos, more than the ones who do alot of photo shop edits bc im trying to learn myself and I need to see things that are more true to the shot. I dont have anything against editing bc I do it on occasion but im really trying to take a good shot first, then learn the rest later.
February 19th, 2012
You are looking at the glass as half empty, if I had 1000 followers, I would be doing the happy dance...your glass is definitely half full...if not completely overflowing (with Champagne almost!!)
February 19th, 2012
I think Ross put in an auto-delete script... if you're a 365 member but haven't updated in X months, you get sent an email. If you don't respond or update after that email is sent, then your account gets automatically deleted shortly thereafter. That's one (likely) explanation. :)

I only unfollow people when they've been gone for months and months.
February 19th, 2012
@sheg I've noticed this too. I try to comment on at least 1 photo per day of the people I follow ... but I miss a few I know. I seem to get a lot of views without comments.
That being said, I just ran Doctor What's program and unfollowed quite a few of my "zombie" followers.... http://25tolife.net/sites/365scanner/ (ie people who haven't posted in over 28 days)
February 19th, 2012
@corymbia oh didnt know such a thing existed. Maybe thats why people are losing followers then. I just did that and only had two who hadnt been on in 28 days but it actually must not work right because one of them posted Feb 15th and it said she hadnt in 28 days.
February 19th, 2012
@moirab Moira, thanks for posting that link. Turns out that I have 18 zombie followers but they are not dropping out of my list, so far. Of the people I follow only one has gone zombie. It was fun getting this info.
February 19th, 2012
I've lost one in the past day. But then again, that's a lot since I have about 20% or your followers. I wouldn't be surprised if Ross is doing another purge.
February 19th, 2012
I to have been told by one of my followers that they didn't unfollow but for some reason they were not following me anymore...

I must say I dont see the losing of followers on here but I see it on other sites I use and I put it down to this:

They saw a photo that they liked and thought I was worth following but the after a while the decided that my style was not for them so they more on.

Now I am completely happy with that... I would like people to follow me if they are into what I an doing and i would hate to think people didn't move on once my style was not their thing. Its better to have quality and people that can related to you and you can relate to them, than to have the most number wins.
February 19th, 2012
February 19th, 2012
Well Joseph I know that anytime I see any of your shots they are very nice. So just keep taking shots and remember to enjoy this for yourself
February 19th, 2012
I know how you feel, Joe. I had a period of no postings because I felt I was doing some good work, and not getting many views. I am having another go now, but still not getting many viewers. I dont think you should give up or be disheartened. I like to look at your work and love reading the stories you post with them, even if I dont always post a comment. Hang in there. Enjoy it for your own benefit.
February 19th, 2012
Don't worry about it Joseph, it really is the ebb and flow of 365. I've picked up 20 followers in the last 2 weeks and lost 35!! Ross might be having a clear out, folk who were gung-ho followers on their first week in january have probably fallen into their own routines and chosen the few followers that either they have good social interraction with or that spark their creativity. It's impossible to seriously follow more than 100-200 people anyway; I take it as a compliment that people feel they like my stuff enough to hit the button in the fisrt place, but understand that over time I might not float their boat any more!
February 19th, 2012
@stepheesue hello love! No, I'm over here!
February 19th, 2012
I have lost some too, just assumed it was accounts being deleted :)
February 19th, 2012
Your photos are amazing Joseph, no doubts about it !!!!
February 19th, 2012
@eyebrows That scanner is super clever! My sister is now a zombie. I'd better let her know to pick up her game!
February 19th, 2012
@jsw0109 Like the reply. Puts a nice spin on it! And it does make sense. Thanks for the insight.
February 19th, 2012
I routinely look through the people I follow and delete those whose photos I don't look at for whatever reason. The reason for this is because I want to be able to interact with the people I follow and I find I can't do this if I follow too many.

In some cases I'll unfollow because their style doesn't appeal to me at the moment, especially professional photographers who use this site to showcase their work. That's fine, but I find it gets repetitive seeing variations on the same thing day in, day out. There are some people I follow where the photos themselves aren't anything particularly special or technical, but I enjoy the narrative that goes with it.

In the end, I think you've nothing really to be worrying about. People have all sorts of reasons for following or not following a photographer on this site (as I hope I've illustrated) and tastes change with time.

As I final note, I have over twice as many photos on here as you, although not of the same standard, and only 63 followers, of whom 32 are "dead" according to the scanner @eyebrows made a while back. Personally, I'm happy with what I've got.
February 19th, 2012
@cluvlj Haters gonna hate -- but thanks for all the ideas!
February 19th, 2012
Well, now this thread is making me feel very guilty!

I've been considering cutting down on the people I follow as I'm missing so many shots and I don't get the time to go through everyones albums to 'catch up'. I even missed my wife's 365th shot :-0
So maybe it really is time to cut back, please don't be be offended if you happen to be one of them.
February 19th, 2012
Joe.. your photos are awesome... I cleaned out who I was following because I was appalled at the time I spent not only looking at pics -- which I love -- but trying to comment on each and every one... I've kept the ones where the people are special to me and some of the spectacular photographers who grace these pages.. it's not personal to the person, it wasn't fun for me to feel stressed about it...
February 19th, 2012
Since the beginning of the year I've lost more than I picked new followers! Some may have closed their account after finishing their year. I too, have been questioning myself about my photography, but as many of my new followers never comment on my pics, and probably the ones who have left also didn't comment, in the end it doesn't matter so much. I prefer having a smaller bunch of regular followers and commenters and interact more closely with them, than many that I "don't know" (if you understand what I mean). In other words I prefer quality over quantity :-)
February 19th, 2012
@scatcat - I love your photos!:))
February 19th, 2012
@4stories thank you Liz :-) Love your photos too!
February 19th, 2012
wow, I feel so much better after reading all the posts here, Thanks so much everyone
February 19th, 2012
With so many followers you're bound to lose some now and then. It may seem silly, but honestly people like community- I'm unlikely to follow people who don't have time for back and forth. I removed a few people from those I follow last week not because they don't follow me back, but because they follow NO ONE back. May end up doing that again this week.

Also, I used to be popular on a similar site for digital artists (strictly drawing), and I found people would try really hard to get in your good graces by sending you lots of comments & favs just because it would make them so excited to have someone popular give them attention. If they felt like they were running into a brick wall, they didn't care about you anymore ; )

But in the end, who cares? Take photos you like and people who like THOSE photos will watch your photos.
February 20th, 2012
@eyebrows well, I'm glad you are somewhere!! nice to "see" you. I love that scanner you made so much! you're very smart, guess that's why you're a Doctor. :)
February 20th, 2012
@moirab Thats an awesome tool! Thanks for the link!
February 20th, 2012
Joe, Don't feel bad I have only 2 follower's but I do this for myself not to get the approval of others. When I do it feels great but in the end this is my journey. Keep shooting and learning.
February 20th, 2012
you win some you lose some.. who gives a fuck, has always been my motto.

but that's just me
February 20th, 2012
I've wondered what it takes to get followers but then realized that I am pretty sparse on who I follow. I find myself getting lost in the site, looking at pictures. I think the best thing about this picture a day idea is to see where I started, what I've learned, what I've experimented with...what is successful, what fell flat. Keep on shootin' and lovin' it.
February 20th, 2012
Joseph your work is excellent and encourages me to do well on my own shots. I don't have the technical capabilities and know-how that you do and I am learning from your posts. But I must confess as my followership has grown, my ability to stay on top of all the posts is suffering. And if I "miss" a day, it takes me a while to catch up. So please do not feel bad if I don't comment consistently. I have not, nor will I drop you! And I will always do my best to catch up. I catch up faster if you leave a comment on my shots, but I do catch up eventually when I see one of your pictures on my dashboard. I apologize for any concern this might have caused you, but rest assured I thoroughly enjoy your beautiful pictures!
February 20th, 2012
Joe, I look at your work, and I know you have followed me (not sure if you currently are or not) but I can't keep up with the folks I've been following! When you comment on my photos, I often look at your stuff and sometimes comment.

I actually think I've lost about 6 or 8 followers recently too. But I don't pay attention to that.

I LOVE 365, but it is a serious time suck and I had to stop following people... :(
February 21st, 2012
I didn't get on 365 for a while and then I came back here recently and I just figured most of my old followers are done now and their accounts were deleted. Maybe that is what is happening with you too. I am trying now to build up more followers and follow more people because I love commenting on people stuff and getting comments.
February 21st, 2012
@jml0306 I hear you Joe; I'm not sure what it is, and I lose them too. I know I'm not the best, and although I do it for myself, I also do it to get some feedback to learn. It is a little frustrating to follow someone and comment on their pics, but not receive the courtesy back though. Don't know what the answer is. Keep sharing though! :)
February 21st, 2012
I think people like to feel the sense of community from others. Try following those who follow you. Remember we all learn from each other.
February 21st, 2012
@jsw0109 Funny but I noticed the same thing... like even a couple of people have popped up as "following" when I know that they were before... I do try to check my list if I think someone hasn't posted in a while just in case for some reason I've dropped off following.
February 21st, 2012
Gosh, I lose followers everyday. Personally, if someone follows me because they expect something in return, I would rather they find someone else.
February 21st, 2012
Is it possible that there are many people who are following you who all finish their projects around the same time and decide not to continue. I've been here for a year and I'm almost finished. I've enjoyed it and learned a lot, but I my interest has faded and will be moving on as soon as I finish these last 16 or so days.

I think I picked up most of my followers within the first 3-4 months and we've traveled this road together. I expect that many of us will not continue forever with 365.
February 21st, 2012
I don't know if I've lost followers. I don't keep track of that. I stop following inactive people and I stop following people I don't really interact with that much.
February 21st, 2012
with over 1000 followers who cares...however i have noticed some of mine have disappeared, but i think that they are people who have not used their accounts in a while
February 21st, 2012
@cfitzgerald I agree! I follow people because I like their photos, not because I want them to follow me back.
February 22nd, 2012
What difference does it make? This is something I NEVER understood. I think the only person following me is my friend Jen in WV. Now I need to go see because if she isn't, she has some splainin to do. WHOA you have over a thousand followers??? and you've got a concern because some dropped off?
February 23rd, 2012
I have lost 4 in the last 2 days.... pretty sure it's because I have not been able to keep up with my commenting... at least I hope thats it !!
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